Friday, March 17, 2006


Every day I rediscover the importance of breathing. I used to take it for granted that breath just happened without thinking. And then after 4 abdominal surgeries in the last 5 years, I must have started holding my breath. I think that with so much trauma to the abdominal area, it was an instinctive reflex, to ward off further intrusion and to hold everything inside, protected.

Recently I realized as I was hurriedly driving the kids to school, being a little late, that I wasn't breathing. Each breathe was short and extremely shallow, with an occasional deeper draw. I believe this breathing pattern, that I have probably been practicing since the last surgery almost 3 years ago, has been causing abdominal muscle strain, additional stress, and even feelings of anxiety. I'm a fairly analytical person, but now I believe there's something behind 'the breath' that my yoga instructor keeps talking about. I certainly feel better when I do start really breathing again.

So don't forget to breathe!


ipodmomma said...

good reminder!

that is something I would never have thought much about, but with all you've been through over the past years, yeah, something to keep an eye on...

oldhall said...

It's interesting, the sorts of bad habits we can acquire, I think you have to be pretty self-analytical to nip 'em in the bud.