Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Vegas Grannies

My trip to Vegas last weekend was so relaxing that I had a hard time adjusting back to the stress and demands of being at home. My friend Laura and I flew out from different ends of California and stayed at the MGM for the weekend. She jokingly called us the "Vegas Grannies" because were back in the room both nights before eleven. I laughed when she said it, and then it struck me that we WERE turning into grannies! We didn't party, we hardly gambled, we went to bed early, we ate oatmeal for breakfast. We never left the MGM property the whole weekend. I woke up Sunday morning at 4:30am and had to trundle downstairs to the casino in my pajamas to buy TUMS! How pathetic is that?? And I couldn't believe how many people were still up!

Sunday, while lounging at the pool, two young couples sat down near us and settled in right next to the water. One couple was engaged (Laura and I both spied the "rock".) The girl was very cute, with her perfect blond hair done up in a messy bun, surrounded by a wide bandana, dressed in a skimpy white crocheted bikini. Her fiance was a guy with a nice tan, sporting a crewcut, and who looked like he frequented the gym on a regular basis. This young man must have been driving his fiance nuts all weekend, because it didn't take much effort to provoke any angry snap from her. Now, does the being a "Vegas Granny" entitle me to go up to her and tell her to start planning the divorce now? "Run away! Save yourself the trouble! He needs about 10 years to grow up, if you're optimistic." The pool day ended with this guy and his buddies making waves with their intertubes and sloshing water out of the pool all over their stuff. It was entertaining, to say the least. Come on girls! Even I know not to set my stuff on the ground next to the pool. Being a "granny" means having some common sense to go with the wrinkles and oatmeal.

Really, I don't want to be a granny. But Laura and I have been to Vegas about 5 or 6 times now together and we know what we like. We've seen the sights. We just want to go to the spa, eat Emeril's barbecued shrimp appetiizers, and read by the pool. Play a little blackjack for about 10 minutes until my $100 is gone. And most of all to catch up with each other's lives. Which I can say we did, and more.

It was a great trip!

Top 10 Trip highlights:

10) Eating Emeril's BBQ shrimp appetizer, three times! The sauce, it's all about the sauce! (My third time I shamelessly sat down alone at the bar, an hour before having to leave for the airport. A Fat Tire Ale and BBQ shrimp... mmmmm. More bread please.)

9) The Japanese Yuzu Awakening treatment.

8) Spa: steam, boil, knead and bake. Wow, if we change that around a little bit we'd be bagels.

7) You should double down on that."

6) Frump meets fashionista!

5) French pedicures.

4) The guy at Diego's. A group of seven guys came and sat across from us for dinner. They ordered so many drinks that one guy in their party passed out during dinner. They shamelessly abandoned him and left him with the bill! We all watched as the waitress tentatively poked at him to try to wake him up. Oh, he was pissed. With friends like that, who needs....

3) "I'll be asleep in thirty seconds...... zzzzz."

2) Why is that pool so warm? Could it be the Vegas sun, or could it be that you never see the sixty guys lounging in the water with their beers ever get out to use the bathroom?

and 1) A new pickup line I heard while waiting for my flight at the airport (I flatter myself): "Wow! I didn't think anyone read War and Peace anymore. You're my hero!"


ipodmomma said...

what a great trip!! I have a blog in my head about being 40... I know that desire for oatmeal and a quiet night... :)))

Anonymous said...

Come on- your not grannies YET! It sounds like you guys had a great time!

I always wonder about warm pool water too.

How is War and Peace?

sandy said...

It's getting better. The first hundred pages were hard to get through without falling asleep... all the character introductions and aristocratic parties. Anna Karenina was the same way, but then I really got into it. Only 1300 more pages to go! (And I just bought Count of Monte Cristo the other night, recommended by Elle. Another huge book! I'll get to that one maybe by Christmas?)

A Room to Grow said...

The MGM Grand pool is so fun, isn't it? We were there two times last year - almost had my wedding there because of the pool!

Sounds like a fabulous weekend. Who needs gambling when there's spas and food?