Friday, August 11, 2006

Back to the mountains

We're headed back to the Sierras this weekend for a two-night backpacking trip with the kids. I just finished packing and tried my pack on. It's only 39 lbs but uh-oh... my lower back is not too happy. Thankfully our destination is only 1.5 miles in from the trailhead. We're headed up to Shealor Lake in the El Dorado National Forest, off of Hwy 88. The kids are carrying their own packs too, though they are only carrying some water, some snacks and their clothes. Hopefully the weather and the lake (around 8000 ft) will be warm enough to swim. I'll post some pictures next week after we get back.


6blessings said...

Have a good time. We'll look forward to your pics.

Deb said...

Hope you had a great time. Always love to see your pics.

Anonymous said...

I just love how you are always doing outdoorsy stuff. I love to do that, but no one else in my family likes it so we never go. It is so sad. I guess I will live vicariously through your adventures.