Thursday, September 07, 2006

This Week's Update

The kids have been in kindergarten for almost a week now and the most amazing thing has happened. I have time to myself AND the time that I spend with the kids in the morning and after school is so much better. I'm able to sit down and play with them. The laundry pile is shrinking. The toys are slowly migrating back to their bins. (And some to the trash bin. =) And I look forward to the weekend when we can do some stuff together with dad. The kids have been enjoying kindergarten. Their first observation about it was that they have to sit a lot. Ha ha!

I've gone back to school too, if you could call it that. A close friend of mine called me up last week to ask me if I was interested in joining her to attend the new Conversational Russian class that was being offered by the local Adult School. Last night was our first class (we missed the first two) and the instructor had the other students reading and writing Cyrillic! Whoa, that was intimidating. Our instructor had us learn only a few letters at a time and I started to get it. It's going to be so much fun! I can spell wine, vodka, whiskey, bank, banana, character (that's a tough one to pronounce), cosmonaut and more. I think I can even spell the kids' names in Cyrillic too, since it's fairly phonetic. Pretty cool after 2 hours.

I called our agency director today to check in. It's been a week now since September started, right? There should be some movement to report. Actually, I didn't expect much information; I just wanted to see if he had a tidbit to throw me. I did get a few. It seems that other anxious prospectives have been calling too, so after my call he sent out his monthly email update.

Tidbits to chew on: Frank Adoptions only has one more signature to acquire in order to have their accreditation re-approved. The last official comes back from vacation next week. And soon all the regions will be open for adoption again after returning from the summer holiday.

The director was incredibly positive as he said, "Many of the agencies working in Russia have shared the same optimism that I have. It appears that this month we should finally see some lifting of the restrictions that have kept the children on the registry and not available for adoption. It looks as though this will be changing and that the referral process should pick up some momentum." He also named some regions that have children ready when the summer vacations are over. There is a backlog of children in the orphanages right now because adoptions have been so slow this past year.

My week's goals were to: clean up all my piles and make a list of things to do while the kids are in school. My piles are getting smaller. And I whipped out last year's list of things to do (sadly) and added more to it. I need to have an adoption-related list to prepare for the upcoming trip. It may be months before we travel, but it will take me that long to get organized. (If I ever do.) Hopefully when I attack (ATAKA) my desk tomorrow I can get to it.

I am very excited for both Derek and Lisa and Jamie and Suzanne, who are in Russia right now on their final trip to bring home their children. Soon they will be home! Congratulations!


Deb said...

I wish I could find a Russian class around us. That is really neat.
Glad you had a good first week of school.

Laura said...

Thanks so much for the update with Frank Sandy! You are awesome. Hopefully, things will pick up, like they said.
That is too funny that the kids say they sit a lot. So cute.
That class sounds so fun! That is great that you found it. They don't have one at our adult night school. Have fun with all of your extra time!

6blessings said...

You will be really prepared for Russia now! That is cool. You will feel a lot more comfortable with some Russian under your belt. Glad to hear there is movement.

I tagged you if you are interested. If not, that's okay. Go to my blog to check it out.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to have a break to do laundry isn't it? Its nice when the year kicks in and things start getting into a routine. It is a hard adjustment at first though. At least for me.

Congrats on taking the Russian class. We did that for awhile and the teacher said he had never heard a worse American accent then mine!

That sounds like some good news from your agency, hopefully things will start moving now that Fall is coming.

I have a list of things to do, gather for the first Russian trip on my side bar if you want to refer to it. I need to make a new one for the second trip. That is much more complicated as the trip involves a longer stay and caring for your child, so I better start working on it!