Thursday, September 14, 2006

Weekly Update

Of course, in the theme of Russian adoption, I have no news of a referral to report.

There is some news on the homefront. I am into my second week of my Russian class and I am thoroughly enjoying it. The best part about it is that we are learning the Cyrillic alphabet, and are reading and spelling words in Russian.

I learned this last night:


it means "Sleep tight!"

I am currently printing out a list of Russian phrases to use with adopted children that Margaret sent me. It is 18 pages of phrases in English, Russian and the English phonetic version of the Russian, written by Sonia Baxter. Anyone interested in this list can download a copy here. If you simply Google "Russian Child Talk" you can get an HTML reference to view it on the web.

On Sunday we are attending the annual picnic for our home study agency. It's going to be strange attending a picnic with dozens of other adoptive families. We haven't attended any kind of seminar, meeting, or gathering yet that has been adoption-related. I'm looking forward to it though. The director for our placement agency in San Diego will be attending. I've only spoken with him on the phone so it will be good to put a face to a name, and also for him to meet us (and remember us!) in person for the first time. Maybe we'll even meet some other families that are waiting to adopt from Russia. To be honest, there is such a wonderful and supportive network of adoptive and pre-adoptive parents here in this blog world that I haven't missed seeing or talking personally to others that are going through the same things we are. Maybe it will be different when our child from Russia is home with us. I don't know.

ДО СВИДАНИЯ! (Do Svidaneeyah! or Until we meet again...)


A Room to Grow said...

We've been to two picnics and going to the next one in Oct. I wonder if people will begin to wonder, "who are those people who keep showing up at our adoption picnic without children?".

The picnics are good, adoptive parents LOVE to talk about their experiences. But I think you'll find (after reading so many blog experiences) that you know as much or more than parents who are farther along in the process, or are even home!

Have fun!

Maggie said...

I'm glad you're finding the phrases useful. I didn't know there was a link to it on the web. Good to know!

Funny story. One night when my Vladimir was here we finished reading books at night, I gave him a kiss, told him I loved him, and said "Dobrye Utra."

Dobrye Utra means Good Morning. Oops. He said "Dobrye Utra!?!" And got out of bed and started heading for downstairs saying "Dobrye Utra! OK!"

What a goofball.