Monday, October 30, 2006

Bit in the Butt by the Post-Placement Flunkies

I have found while I'm waiting that if I work on my paperwork, rather than just shuffle it around, that I can significantly reduce my stress levels. Our CPA completed the Assets form we needed and it's in hand now. The county assessor's office had my two requested letters to me a day after I requested them. I was able to call the rude CPA today and leave a message that we won't be needing his services. And we made a visit to our notary this weekend to have the additional documents we need to take for trip 1 notarized. Now that's some good progress! I have pretty much completed all the non-expiring (well, all that won't expire in 3 months time) paperwork we need for Ekaterinburg.

Early last week we were under the impression that we would be traveling on or near the 5th or 6th of November. After talking to our director on Thursday it was moved out to the 12th. We were to be traveling with two other families, which made me feel better. If there were delays in our travel, then the pain was shared. And it felt like we would also be pulled forward by the momentum of the others.

Today our director called and I was very excited to hear from him because I was hoping he would have our travel dates finalized. But no, there has been a SNAFU. Apparently, our home study agency has reached some threshhold with their number of unfiled post-placement reports that has triggered the MOE (or someone with power) to put a halt on all prospective adoptive parents who have used this agency for home studies. Our home study agency is not accredited, but I believe that they were once upon a time when they worked in conjunction with another placement agency. This other placement agency had it's accreditation revoked for bad post-placement performance in the past year or two. I am not familiar with the details because we were advised to go with our placement agency in San Diego. But our HS agency now has a bad rap and we are delayed because of it.

The good news is that there are workarounds to this. One is that our placement agency finally gets their accreditation signed off. Since our placement agency in San Diego has 100% post-placement report compliance, when they are accredited (through the Frank Foundation) then we may be able to fall under their umbrella and our HS agency problem could be overlooked. But the accreditation is elusive. The NGO signoff was received months ago and now just getting the right signatures on the accreditation has been quite a challenge.

Another good option is to have our placement agency become our HS agency. I like this idea, but it requires some work on our placement agency's part. They are only licensed to work in Southern California, and we are up in the northern part of the state. They will need to get permission from the state to take us on, and then will need to work with our social worker to make sure our Home Study and any other documents are redone with the right letterhead. Our dossier coordinator said she thought they could get all the paperwork redone in a day's time.

I got the impression from talking to our director today that they are really committed to finding some way to work this out for us. I am very happy that they have been so supportive, and hope that they can resolve it out soon. In the meantime, the other two families received their travel dates today and they will be traveling this coming weekend... the 5th! It's not looking like our particular problem will be resolved before the end of the week, so I'm disappointed that we won't be traveling together. At any rate I am glad that our problems have not held them up. I'm wishing them all the best. The fourth family should have arrived at home this weekend after accepting a referral of a little girl. They also used our HS agency, but our director thinks they won't be delayed since they have already made their first trip. That's good for them. I hope they don't run into problems later.

So this is what's going on right now. I am pretty positive that our agency will get things worked out. I am disappointed that we are not traveling, as I've had my hopes up for this for about a month now. But I keep in mind that I could still be waiting on that other list for a referral for several more months. I have faith that the timing of all this will work out in the best possible way.

My Monday Requests:

That all adoptive parents will be diligent about completing their post-placement reports on time.

That my agency can get permission from the state to take us on as home study clients, and that the necessary paperwork can be redone quickly.

That we will be able to travel some time soon. (In the next month would be nice, but I'll take before the end of the year, too.)

And a Few Monday Thanks:

That Rhonda and Brian are doing well and should be on their way home with Bonnie and Clyde very soon!

That Suz was able to travel to see V, and know that she is well. I hope that her agency's accreditation occurs soon so that she can return to Russia and bring V home. It has been too long.

That Kim's bwins are thriving and receiving all the love and care they need and deserve. Kim, you are a blessing to your husband, family, and to all of us behind these blogs.

That Mike and Melissa are nearing the end of their first trip. I hope that everything has gone well and they have met the children that are meant for them.

For all of you out there in the blog community that have encouraged me, or that have simply shared stories that have inspired or delighted or even warned me of what to expect. May you all have a wonderful week.


A Room to Grow said...

i'm happy that you are so pleased with A-O trying to get your homestudy paperwork taken care of. what a pain about the delay though (due to post-placement reports). i wonder if A-O has such great compliance because we have to pay for them upfront?

sandy said...

I don't know... I think that in our case, the other placement agency didn't make it a priority to ask for the reports, and so they didn't come.

Maggie said...

Well crap. Those dang PPRs. My agency had a delay getting their accreditation last year because there was a single PPR filed for two non-birth siblings. It got straightened out with one quick phone call from the Russian office, but still. I hope it gets cleared up soon.

Anonymous said...

GRRRRRRRrrr to the PPR-deadbeats.

Deb said...

I really hope they can resolve this for you in a quick time frame.

Suz said...

Thanks, Sandy, for remembering us in the midst of your waiting. It means so much!

6blessings said...

Sandy, I'm so sorry for the delay and hope it gets worked out quickly. I don't understand why people don't get their PPRs done on time. That baffles me.

BTW, thanks for the super kind words. I love this little bloggy community. It helps me keep my sanity (I think).

Melissa said...

I hope that the homestudy paperwork is handled quickly and properly. I really pray that you are able to travel quickly. Bring warm clothing. You can already see your breath outside when you walk. Wishing you only good things.

Isabel Farquhar said...

Hang in there Sandy. Waiting to travel is a weary task. Do you have a room that needs painting? That always worked for me. Thanks for checking in on my blog and I see that you have a nice list of blogs. I don't get on the computer that much, but my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Russian to Siberia

Laura said...

Darn Sandy! I am so suprised that your HS agency, would be so irresponsible. Is it the PPR or the agency?
I hope it gets resolved and you are on your way soon.