Sunday, October 08, 2006

An interesting week ahead...

I hope!

Our coordinator is supposed to be meeting with the inspector of the Department of Education Tuesday regarding the families that will be traveling from our agency. There are four of us going. We are hoping that this meeting will result in travel dates for our group. I haven't met anyone in the group yet.

In the meantime I've contacted a couple of international adoption doctors, and started doing some reading about medical conditions. There are two websites that have very useful information: Dr. Aronson and Drs. Bledsoe and Davies.

C came home from school really sick Thursday afternoon with a fever, headache, sore throat and a rash starting. We went to the pediatrician's Friday morning and he tested positive for strep. Poor little guy.... he broke out with the full-on scarlet fever rash. He was so miserable and itchy. But thanks to antibiotics, he is back to normal today. We had a very low-key relaxing weekend. Dad was away up at Tahoe for his man-boy golf weekend. It was very peaceful.

We had to pass on our playdate with Nicole and Zach, however they did stop by to drop off some cupcakes for the kids. I got to peek at them while they waited in the car. Oh boy have they grown! They looked so happy and healthy, although not happy to be strapped into the car while mommy was yakking. They are really bonded to their mom. It's wonderful to see.

Kevin was researching phones and calling cards tonight so that we will have something for Russia. He's looking at the Mobal GSM World Phone. Has anyone used something like this? It works in many countries, has a lifetime phone number, and you are only charged for the calls that you make (or take). The rates for calls out of Russia are $8.95/minute (ouch), while for other European countries it's $1.50/minute. But incoming calls are only $1.95/minute. We think having a phone is a good idea because if anything happens at home with C, K or my grandmother then we can be reached.

My neck has been bugging me the past few days. I am a firm believer that the mind can direct stress, tension, and suppressed anger to different parts of the body. I have found that if my stomach starts bugging me, and I ackowledge that I'm upset about something, then the stomach will stop hurting. Well last week I had a side-stitch for half the week, and I knew it was because I was wound up about our upcoming trip. So then brain moves the pain to my neck. Now my neck is on the mend but my stomach is starting to hurt. Egads! Can I externalize this somehow? I went for a brisk walk today and that felt good. Gotta get out and do that more. The paperwork and reading can be so consuming that you forget to take care of yourself.


Deb said...

My phone is a world phone and that is why I got it. I plan on using it while we are there. I have used phones like that before while traveling and they work fine. Just depends on the plan you get. I can add a worldwide plan to my current plan. I use Cingular. They do mention that you may not be able to call in some areas but you can text message cheap.

Hope you can figure our how to balance everything and stay healthy.

Jennefer said...

It is totally true that stress can make you sick. Try doing some positive visualizations in your mind and get a massage. That usually helps me.

Hope everyone starts to feel better!

Maggie said...

One of my host-group friends rented a phone when he got to Russia. Just like you found outgoing calls were crazy expensive, but incoming ones were more reasonable.

As for physical manifestations of stress? Hoo boy. Definitely. I get insomnia, eye twitches, upset stomachs, and sore shoulders (from being tensed up). I can be a yawning, twitchy mess at times!

Melissa said...

I am going to use Dr. Aronson. I went to her office in May to get some shots before our trips. Her associate is very nice. I have seen Dr. Aronson present at a workshop we went to several months ago. She is very knowlegable.

Laura said...

Hi Sandy,
We used Dr. Davies, who is with Dr. Bledsoe. He was great. I'm not sure how things will go this time, since we are traveling blind this time. We may use a Dr. in Russia.
I'm glad to hear C is doing better.
We also did not get a phone plan last time, but again, things are different, now with G being home, so I will probably do what you are doing.
I'm not good at de-stressing, I actually just posted about that on my blog today. Sorry, no help there.

Laura said...

Hi Sandy,
No, no news for us. Thanks for asking, we told Frank, that we would like to travel blind this time. Who knows we may get a referral with info in advance, but probably not.
glad your feeling better too.

Lauren & Cupcake said...

we are on Cingular too so all we need to do is call to put on International. HOwever if you buy any cheapphone from T Mobile or Cingular you can purcahse a SIM card in Russia. This shoudl be way cheaper than 8.95pm