Wednesday, October 11, 2006

News of no news, yet.

No travel dates yet. I couldn't stand the suspense so I called the director again to see if anything had happened. (Of course, in the adoption arena it seems like no news is not necessarily good news. But then, no news usually means NO news.)

He said that the inspector and our agency discussed our position. Now our status with the Department of Education has moved from, "Infant girl? Nyet! Get in line!" to "We'll see what we can do. We'll let you know." I would say that's a bit of progress.

The other families are supposed to receive their travel dates tomorrow. When our coordinator goes for their dates, perhaps she will press our case a little more. The "We'll let you know" reads like "Don't call us, we'll call you."

We are still very hopeful, although the suspense has rendered me useless. I can't concentrate on a darn thing!

Here's a shot of my hair (for Suz) after visiting the salon yesterday. It's unusually straight here, and seems to have an 80's flair as I grow out some of my bangs. Now back to my regularly scheduled ponytail.


ipodmomma said...

hey, I like that 80's flair... :)))

thinking of you all...

Melissa said...

I hope it is not too much longer for you.

Laura said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get some news soon!
Hang in there,

Lauren & Cupcake said...

Hi Sandy,

Your hair looks great. Emailwhen you have a sec.I can'tfigure out which is your email!

Deb said...

Praying you get those dates soon.

Jennefer said...

Tell them that the suspense has been fun, but it is now time for the happy ending where everything comes together and you cry tears of joy. Think that will help?