Monday, October 23, 2006

Still waiting

We are still waiting to receive our travel dates. It has been taking a while, but it has taught me patience. There were a few days there when I was so distracted by the whole business that I couldn't concentrate on anything else. Then when I found that I could seal my computer up in a cabinet and give myself a break... oh that felt good. I needed that.

Today I got back on the horse and made quite a few phone calls. Getting a "Letter of Good Standing" for an IRS Enrolled Agent is no easy task when it needs to be notarized and apostilled in Michigan! I called a local CPA to see if he would sign my assets letter and I literally got ROASTED on the phone by this guy. He was so incredibly rude to me, and yet he said he was only willing to give me an appointment because we were trying to do something good. And then he was rude again. I thanked him, hung up, gritted my teeth trying not to cry, and told myself to toughen up. UGH. Then I told my grandma all about it. That felt better! And after that I thought, "Why should I have to put up with this guy? He had no reason to be so rude to me!" So I found another CPA who was nice and willing to help me out. (My tax preparer's wife... she's a saint! And so is my tax preparer!)

Last week I did some sleuthing and located the only Addiction Psychiatrist in the area. I prepared a letter of introduction for him and even included pictures of our kids to tug at his heartstrings. I had to hunt him down, and actually found his office and was able to get 2 minutes of face-time with him to hand him my letter and explain what we needed. He did not say "No"! Thank God. He's the only person in this area with this speciality that I need signatures on my form for. I hope he calls me back.

What a job this is... asking all of these busy professionals for help... on my timeline. To all those who wonder about getting their medicals done in Russia instead of the United States: if you can, DO IT IN RUSSIA. Chasing down 8 different specialists, notarizing their signatures, and requesting "Letters of Good Standing" for each of them is non-trivial.

We had a shred of hope today with regard to news of our travel. I didn't want to get hopes up, but I can't help it. I need some sort of tangible reward for all this hard work. Our director emailed us today that the wheels are moving in Ekaterinburg and that our coordinator is looking at possible referrals for us this week. We may get to go soon. I'm smiling.

Meanwhile on the home front: I sewed that tablecloth for K. We carved pumpkins this past weekend after going to the pumpkin patch. We went apple picking. I volunteered in my kid's kindergarten class (and realized that I needed to spend more time having them read to ME). I've played Casino (card game) with C. And I've been hugging and loving my kids... longing for the days when I can enjoy them (and baby too) without having all this paperwork hanging over my head.


Anonymous said...

The paperwork IS such a hassle and really does cut into family time.

I hope you hear something soon. We are both wading through the thick days of "just before news".

It is like sloppy mud holding us back when we want to run.

6blessings said...

Hope you hear something soon. I keep checking on here. Sounds like you're staying busy with your kiddos. Someday, the paperwork will be over or at least it will slow down.

Carolina Mama said...

Can't wait to hear your news! :) Looking forward to it.

Lauri said...

ahhhh that crappy paper chase...Im feeling you.... i remember that all to well. I literally begged and bribed with chocolates and pics of my soon to be daughter. I had no pride.. what ever it took to get those friggin papers signed.

I have everything crossed for you... hope you hear something soon

Deb said...

I am not looking forward to all that paperwork. But in the end...

I'm praying you get that call very very soon.

Elle said...

sounds like you are moving forward slowly but surely. tears work wonders sometimes on getting paperwork signed. Sometimes they just look at you like you are some hormonal woman and totally nuts. (thanks Mr. City Man)