Monday, November 13, 2006

I feel so FREE!

I did it!

I finished War and Peace. The last 40 pages were a struggle, and my heart just wasn't there when the story about the characters ended, but I continued turning the pages, nodded off once, and finished.

I can't explain how liberating it feels to be done with a book that has commanded my nightly attention for the past four months. It was a grand novel! I am glad to have read it.

I think it will be a little while before I start Count of Monte Cristo. It looks good (and long) and I'm afraid it'll keep me up at night. I'd like to refocus some of this mental energy back on the kids. Maybe have some motivation for some Christmas projects, baking cookies, the fun stuff again.



Anonymous said...

yeah!!! If I were there, we'd have a little W&P party... :)))

much love, mollie

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, my guess was right! Do I get a prize?

Maggie said...

That's quite an accomplishment. I had to read it back in college and was so overinundated with other work I totally phoned it in. I barely remember anything about it.

Melissa said...

Glad to hear J is doing better.

6blessings said...

Wow! I admire your accomplishment.

Suz said...

Proud of you for finishing W&P. I've never read it, I guess I probably should, huh?