Friday, November 10, 2006

Thanks and Other Bits

First off, I want to thank everyone that has said prayers for or sent a good thought this way for my sister-in-law, J. Last week I was really struggling, because she had grown so sick with the pancreatitis that she was being fed through an arterial IV. Last Friday she started developing an infection from the IV and had to be checked into the hospital. It was a harrowing few days, because while in the hospital she was in terrible pain, and the antibiotics they were giving her were nauseating and causing her to vomit for days. To say the least we were very frustrated with her doctors because it appeared that she kept getting worse! But then a couple of things had happened. She had several tests done and they all came back showing nothing wrong; in fact, her lipase levels were at a normal level. And when she stopped the antibiotics, she felt much better. She came home Wednesday. Her doctor thinks her pancreatitis has finally subsided, and that the pain she now feels is from residual nerve damage and should go away in time. She has a special medication for it, so that will help. She is also beginning to eat again, slowly. And all this was caused by one of her blood pressure medications, they now believe. I am so thankful that she is home and healing. Thank you all!

My grandma and I made a trip to Sacramento with the kids on Tuesday to get some more documents apostilled. The internet is so great! I needed to find a FedEx office near the Secretary of State's office, and MapQuest found one for me lickety split. (After I figured out I had to spell it Fed Ex). All in all, dealing with the documents only took about half and hour, so after that we had lunch in Old Town and then went to the Railroad Museum again. The kids love this place.

We saw the missing gold spike from the meeting of the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific Railroads in Promontory. There were two spikes made by the Hewes family. One was actually used at the celebration, and is now at Stanford University. The second spike was held on to by the Hewes family for over 100 years, and has just recently resurfaced. The museum was able to acquire it and now has it on display near a beautiful portrait of completion of the Transcontinental Railroad. See here for more information if you're interested.

I've found that my blog content has been copied and is now being displayed by Bitacle. I am not happy about this and have to look into it more. I don't plan on shutting the blog down, but I may make some changes. Something I read in Lauri's blog caught my eye and I tracked down how to check if I'd been bitacle'd. More info coming.

Kev is home for the third day with a nasty virus, and he gave it to me. We've both got a fever, and my neck is stiff. Amazingly, the kids don't have it! I'm glad it's Veteren's Day; we can lay around all day while the kids play around us. I hope we are better soon, although I'm enjoying the rest.


Deb said...

So glad to hear J is doing better.

Anonymous said...

Granny (Ann) talked about Bitalce recently, sounds pretty nasty! your virus doesn't sund much better... hope the kids can steer clear of it, GG too...

much love and prayer for you all, including your SIL. Glad to hear she's doing better...

love, mollie