Sunday, December 17, 2006


We're home now. We flew in late last night. Today we've trying to get things at home back in order with the kids and the pets. My grandmother is still in the rehabilitation facility and I went to visit her today. This past week a terrible gastrointestinal virus has been spreading throughout the center, as well as the community. My grandmother suffered from it for 2-3 days, my aunt who came to care for my grandmother has it a couple of days, and my niece and nephew in Santa Cruz had severe cases of it. It's a very fortunate thing that Kevin's parents and the twins didn't get it! My grandmother lost so much weight, and now can't put her any weight on her good foot because of what we think might be gout. I want to bring her home tomorrow and will be doing everything in my power to make sure that happens. I'm not happy with her doctor. She's been under hospitalized care for over two weeks now and he still hasn't visited her. Frankly, I'm very angry and disappointed. We'll see what happens tomorrow after I make some phone calls. I want her to be home for Christmas!

I know that many are waiting to hear about how our referral went. I will write more when I have had a chance to rest and get things a bit back to normal here at home.


Anonymous said...

love you lots! E. is in my prayers...

love, mollie

Anonymous said...

Welcome home. Take care of your kids and your grandmother. (That's so disappointing that she received such poor care.) Fill us in on everything else when you have time.

Carolina Mama said...

Glad you are home safely. And hope and pray your Grandmother improves and gets home for Christmas!

A Room to Grow said...

it's good to hear from you. it's upsetting to hear about her condition - hopefully you can sort some things out today.

would love to hear about your trip when you have the chance.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home safe and your kids are not sick.
Very sorry to hear about your grandmother's care. I hope you are able to bring her home today. And I pray that she improves rapidly now that you are home.

Don't worry about us. Get your family well. We'll be here when you can share.

6blessings said...

Glad you made it home okay. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Hopefully she is home under your good care soon.

I'm anxious to hear about your trip and referral, but understand you having to regain your life first. Take care and get caught up.

Melissa said...

If you dont get any satisfaction, change doctors. This is your grandma afterall. Don't feel like you need to stay with this dr. if you are not comfortable. Welcome home

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that your grandmother has gotten so ill while you were away.
I hope your trip went smooth.
Take care of you family and get some rest.

Jeff & Maria said...

Hoping you are enjoying the holidays and have recovered from you long trip.

A Room to Grow said...

Hope things are going better with your grandmother. How was your trip? I miss hearing from you... Please let us know how you are doing when you have time. :)

Anonymous said...

I keep checking in... getting a bit worried. I hope everything is OK.

6blessings said...

Sandy, Hope everything is okay. I keep checking to see if there is any news. I hope your gma and all the kids are doing well. I think we're all getting a little worried about you. Hope everything is just busy because the holidays.