Monday, December 04, 2006

Quick Update

Saturday was a really hard day. My grandmother woke up having trouble breathing because the IV fluids overwhelmed her lungs. Thankfully the fluids were taken away while she is still on intravenous antibiotics. Yesterday all the medical staff thought she has a blood clot in her leg, based on what test results they had. Only after 7 hours of waiting did we find out from the radiologist that her ultrasound showed no signs of a clot, and no significant fluid on the lungs. She has cellulitis, an infection of the tissue under skin of her lower left leg. She was so uncomfortable yesterday. I was miserable.

Sunday she was feeling much better! Thank you all for your prayers and well-wishes. Her breathing is much better, and she could lay down comfortably without feeling like she was suffocating. It still has a way to go, but this is the most concerning problem for me, just because I've been through it all before. She was out of bed several times today to sit up, walk a little bit, and use the restroom. Her leg looked better too. It's less swollen and red and it's no longer hot to the touch. Her appetite was better today too. Congestive heart failure always saps the appetite, so her eating a little more is a good sign.

Kevin talked to his parents today and they said we should not worry about anything and go to Russia. I can't begin to tell you what relief and gratitude that brings to me.

I was also able to talk to my cousin and his fiancee the other night and explain everything that was going on. He was so understanding, and just talking to them helped me to overcome some of my disappointment for missing their big day.

Again, I can't thank you all enough for your words of encouragement. It is overwhelming! You are my friends and supporters out there, and though I don't know most of you I feel very connected, and loved. It means so much to me.


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear your grandmother is doing better. It sounds like she has really improved a lot in the last day or two.

Also very excited that you decided to go to Russia.

Jennefer said...

Glad to hear she is feeling better! Your grandmother is so lucky to have you. She will be taken care of and watched over while you are away- it sounds like you have a really supportive family!

Laura said...

Pfew! Thankfully your Grandmother is getting the care she needs to get better. Sounds like she has improved a lot.

Lauri said...

Just catching up on my blog reading.. sorry about your grandmother being so Ill.. congrats about trip 1... hope all goes smoothly and grandma is on the mend soon. Take a deep cleasning breathe while your at it

A Room to Grow said...

sounds like you've got a great, supportive family. hoping grandma continues to improve. thinking of you guys...

6blessings said...

I can understand your apprehensions, but it is totally okay to let your family help you. You do so much for your grandmother. The way I've always heard it is: If you don't let others help, you rob them of the blessing they get from helping.

Now, I am so excited for you guys!! I can't wait to hear more about your little girl. That is wonderful. You better keep us all updated.

Glad your grandmother is feeling better.

Denise :o) said...

Glad to hear your grandmother is getting better and better. Sounds like you have quite a support group to help you get through this.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she's on the upswing. It will still take a while, but she'll be fine. She has boatloads of prayers coming her way.

Melissa said...

Ditto, glad your grandmother is doing a little better. I hope her recovery continues. I am here for you, whatever you need.

Suz said...

Oh I'm so glad to hear that your grandmother is on the mend and that your worries seem to be eliminating one by one.

Yay, you're going to Russia!

Lauren & Cupcake said...

it si starting to get really cold as we have noticed a difference over the past 4 days so hurry! Have asafe trip