Monday, March 26, 2007

Getting Back to Normal

Things are starting to get back to normal!

We just got back from a weekend trip to up to Lake Tahoe. I hate to see the kind of drought we're in for this summer. There is so little snow up there. But we went to Mt. Rose on the Nevada side to ski on Saturday and still had a good time. The kids took their second lesson and before lunch they were turning and stopping. I could NOT believe it. They were even getting on and off the lift. No more magic carpet conveyor belt. After their lesson, Kevin and I took them for a couple of runs down the bunny slope. I can see that in the next couple of years we will not be able to keep up with them!

C is doing so much better! About 3 weeks ago we had our last grief counseling and therapist sessions. Both counselors said they didn't think we needed to come back unless a problem came up. C and K are playing together and C's anxiety is rare now. I am so thankful.

On the home front, I have spent the last three weeks packing up my grandmother's room. My aunt is going to take some of her furniture so I called a mover to arrange to have it shipped down to Southern California. Within a week I had to have the furniture emptied and ready to go. That was difficult. Now that her room is gone, the reality of her not being here is that much more evident. Kevin and I are going to give that room and bathroom a tuneup, and then move into it ourselves. We like having our bedroom upstairs, but we also thought that for the kid's sake, we should move our bedroom downstairs to be near them.

So last week I have been haunting tile and fixture stores trying to pick out bathroom tile and faucets. The contractor's bid arrived in the mail this weekend and I nearly choked on it, but then we are replacing the hollow doors throughout the house with solid doors and also replacing all the downstairs bedrooms windows. I have to justify the cost somehow! It's a fun distraction.

I know many are wondering what the heck is running through our minds regarding the adoption. In a nutshell, at our request our agency has had us in a holding pattern since the end of December while we have been recouping from all that had happened. But frankly, we are still trying to figure out what we want to do. We have not given up on adopting another child for our family, but we are not sure what or how to do this yet. This will be the topic of a another post.

Well now I have two little ones climbing into my lap. I will close for now. Good morning!


Maggie said...

It sounds like you're finding your way to the new normal. I think it's a good thing that you're redoing your grandma's room and that you're going to use it. It doesn't erase her from your house, it's just a fresh start. That's a good thing.

Regarding the adoption, it's got to feel right. Take your time and figure out what's right for you and your family.

A Room to Grow said...

It's nice to hear from you again. I've been checking on you almost daily to see if you have posted.

Sounds like you had a nice weekend - I just drove by Hemet a couple of weekends ago and thought of you!

I'm glad things are slowly getting back to normal. Hopefully your fond memories will begin to overtake some of the sadness and pain. It takes a while, and things will never be the same...
but I'm sure you'll work your way through it.

ipodmomma said...

sounds lovely being out on the sunny slopes, and I'm not even a skier!

can't wait to see those kids... I'm feeling pretty blessed coming home... and that first cuppa is on me!

much love... see you soon!

Deb said...

So glad to hear the kids are both getting back to normal. The pictures of them skiing are great.
They probably ski better than me.

Rhonda said...

Good morning! It sounds like you guys had a wonderful trip. It sounds like you have a couple of talented skiing companions.

On the adoption topic, I think you are incredibly smart to wait, see how you feel, and proceed from there. You've been through a lot, and you're handling it so well. Plus, you're giving yourselves time to grieve, which is so important.