Tuesday, September 04, 2007

And little free time rambling...

We came home last Tuesday night and the kids started school Wednesday. I had two and a half days to muddle through the camping gear and laundry while they were at school. The Labor Day weekend has passed and here I sit with a whole day ahead of me. The kids are dropped off by 8:30a and I don't have to pick them up until after 2.


I have a bunch of six-year-old piles stashed in closets and corners all over the house. But I don't want to make housecleaning my lifetime focus. My grandmother did that and I don't think it made her happy (or maybe it did).

I do need to start exercising.

Wouldn't it be great if babies just dropped from the sky? Why can't I just order one from Amazon?

Free time with what to do... I think I'll check my tide tables.

Be sure to check out the previous post. I'm not done showcasing the pictures from our Southwest trip.


ipm said...

hey, I did cleaning yesterday too!

and tennis and stitching... I sort of like this free time... :)))

thinking of you... :)))

Deb said...

The pictures are amazing. I love the one with C and the fish. He looks very happy.

If you find out how to order a baby let me know... Maybe we can get a 2 for 1 deal.