Monday, January 21, 2008

A nice light rain today...

Friday I was able to get our first doctor's signatures. I mistakenly put the wrong notary wording on the bottom of the physician's recommendation letter and had to visit the office (with the notary) a second time during the afternoon to have a new letter signed. To all going through this process: there is new notary wording starting this year for acknowledgments. Make sure you have the new wording for your documents, or that your notary has the new acknowledgment page. The wording excludes the checkbox "personally known to me" and includes an "under penalty of perjury" clause for the notary.

We received our I-600A fingerprinting times in the mail last week so we decided to go Saturday and get it all done. Who woulda thunk the fingerprinting office would be closed.... Saturday.... for Martin Luther King Day? Yes, we're doing the bureaucracy dance again. Poor Kevin. We spent the rest of the afternoon at his work office in a conference room so that the kids could do their homework. No fun at all.

Sunday we had a burn day. If we don't take the opportunity to burn the debris that fell from the trees during that last big storm, then it will either dry and stay on the ground (and burn later) or it will cost hundreds to hire a tree service to clean it up. So we all dressed in grubbies and headed out to start gathering and pitching it into the fire. Let me tell you the best way to start a burn pile... a blow torch and a Christmas tree. Pooof. I think we cleared and burned debris for a whole acre (wooded and sloped) of our property yesterday. I spent the night pulling splinters out of my hands, and today I feel like someone took a crowbar to me. But the whole section below our house is pristine (hear the tinkling bells). Two deer walked through and spent a few minutes inspecting the area and the ash pile.

Nothing is more satisfying than sitting by a settling pile of embers with a rake in one hand, a cold drink in the other, and a light rain falling on your head.

Even more satisfying is that the electrician called this morning and can come by this afternoon to hook up our new generator!


ipm said...

well done!

Melissa said...

I cant believe it has been so long since I have read your blog. You had slowed down writing posts that I thought you were stopping. Congrats on starting up your adoption again. I am so happy for you.