Saturday, May 31, 2008

Here we go...

As if life wasn't a whirlwind this time of year already, God has a sense of humor and decided to make it even more complicated!

On Wednesday we received a referral for a baby girl from Stavropol. She is very healthy, alert and incredibly cute. We spoke with Dr. Davies yesterday and he was very positive with regard to the medical information we have received. So we are going! We have to be there June 15th. And I have a ton of paperwork to complete before we go... if we can have our documents in order for the region when we arrive, the judge has been known to review them within a couple weeks and grant the court date within a month of the first visit! We might might might even have her home before August!

Most of the paperwork seems doable, although my insurance company is balking at providing a "notarized" letter for us. "They don't do notarized letters" I was informed. So hopefully I will have better luck with them on Monday, and not have to work my way up the ladder too far, and not have to drive 3 hours to Visalia! Say a prayer for this and think some good thoughts for us.

Here we go!


Maggie said...

Oh wow! Here you go is right. I hope everything clicks and comes together well.

Ronda said...

Wow Sandy that's fabulous! Hang on to your hat. You've been through this part before and I know you'll pull it off. You must be so excited.


A Room to Grow said...

Awesome! 8 months, what a young referral!!! (We almost went to Stavropol!)

Looking forward to the crazy ride!

Rachael said...

Congratulations! How very exciting for you. Best wishes for a smooth course. Looking forward to hearing more! 8 mo. -- Wow, so young.

ipm said...


love and prayers sent your way!!!

Deb said...

Wow! Congratz! And so young. That's great. Praying for peace as you prepare quickly to travel.

Melissa said...

yay, so happy for you. this is a good kind of whirlwind though

Laura said...

Oh my gosh! How exciting! Our friends adopted from Stavropol a couple of years ago and LOVED it. Their son is adorable! I know this has been a long road for you. I'm glad I checked your blog, I haven't been very good at checking blog lately. I'm really excited for you!
best wishes and I hope you keep us posted!
btw, I share a birthday with your twins! I love being a Gemini! Happy belated birthday to your babies!