Sunday, June 29, 2008


We had the birthday party for the kids yesterday evening. It took a full day of preparation. I cooked again. And we were able to share our good news and pictures with friends and family about M. It turned out great! My brother-in-law grilled up some marinated shrimp; Kevin grilled some of the best tritip I have ever tasted. And my son wanted pumpkin pie instead of cake, and amazingly, most of the guests (even some of the kids) chose pumpkin pie (over cake with whipped cream frosting, no less).

It was a great party. But I am sad and perhaps letting something get to me that I should brush off. I had C and K both invite 4 of their friends from their class, a total of 8. C had two of the three friends that RSVP'd show up with their families. That was cool. Two of the 4 friends K invited RSVP'd that they would be able to make it, and last night neither girl came. K had none of her girlfriends from school come to her party. Thank God the party wasn't just for K! About halfway into it she ran up to me and said that her two friends hadn't come yet and could she call them. I started to say 'Yes' and then I had enough sense to say 'No, they may have had some family emergency. We shouldn't bother them.'

Anyway, I know I am dwelling on this too much, but I am so heartbroken for her. She is such a good little girl and always loves to be with other people. To her the greatest thing in the world is to have play-time with her friends. I certainly don't blame her little friends... they are only seven, too. And I don't want to blame the parents, but also can't help but be disappointed.

Right now the only thing I know how to do is to be thankful that when K is at school that she has a great rapport with her little friends. They all call to each other and are generous with hugs. And I pray that as she gets older that she will develop some true girlfriends that will love and support her through whatever may come. Just as my girlfriends have for me.


ipm said...

I don't blame you at all... if you RSVP that you are coming, stand by your word.

man, I'm glad those days are behind me. but it sounds like the rest of the festivities went well...

Maggie said...

At that age, going or not going to a b-day party is more the parent's decision than anything. If I were you, I wouldn't say anything. At most, say something like "we missed you at K's party." That will get the point across while still being polite and not burning any bridges.

As the kids get older they'll have more influence on their own social lives. Slugger and his friends engineer things all the time. If K gets along well with kids at school, then I'd guess you have nothing to worry about.

Rachael said...

Ah, poor thing. I'm glad you still had a nice party though. I ditto Maggie's advice.

A Room to Grow said...

I agree with Margaret. Like you, I would also be upset. It's totally impolite to RSVP and not attend. (Equally strange that the others don't even RSVP!) Unless something did come up and they should call or email.