Wednesday, July 02, 2008

And then Tuesday and Wednesday spun by

Monday was a nice relaxing day. Tuesday morning I found out that I needed to get all those documents I chased down last week apostilled and mailed to Maryland ASAP, so that a family traveling this weekend can courier them to our coordinator in Russia. I was dreading taking the kids with me, because the last time I took them K was very uncooperative and miserable. Road food. So I called my sister-in-law, J, who lives sort of on the way and she agreed to take the kids for the day. They hopped out of bed so fast when I told them they would get to spend the day with their cousins! Driving to Sacramento without kids takes about 1/3 less the time, and I got to eat at In-N-Out - a rare treat. My documents were apostilled and FedEx'd to Maryland in record time.

This morning I was basking in the glory of document-completeness when I thought that I ought to check the FedEx tracking number to make sure they arrived. Uh, no they had not. Bad weather and mechanical difficulties, I was told. So I alerted my agency, who then called the office in Maryland and we got some interesting news.

So our coordinator has shown everything to the judge already, but the judge needs to see the apostilles before she can grant the court date. That should happen some time after they receive that package I sent off.

In the meantime, there's yet another document with a date on it that will expire soon... some letter from Social Services regarding our Home Study agency - something out of my control - that's needs to be updated.

And a happy task - filling out more visa applications for the second trip, which also need to be sent out ASAP. Not a bad sign.

Nevertheless, it was not the relaxing day I was hoping for. But we spent some time down at the health club pool this afternoon and it felt good to unwind and talk to a good friend.

A family traveling home with their newly adopted daughter told me in the Moscow airport, "We were so busy between trip one and trip two." No kidding!

[Another good bit of news: one of our cats, Bodhi, decided to go visit his previous owner (our neighbor) and not come home the past two days. When a cat disappears in the woods here, you try not to assume that they've become a coyote's dinner, but you also can't help but wonder. So I called around today and found out he'd been catching rats for his previous owner. What a relief! And what a brat, not coming when all three of us were calling him all day long. He's home now, and on restriction.]


Maggie said...

It sounds like you're making good progress!

Ronda said...

Glad to hear the document train is moving along. It seems all we did between trips was documents and more documents. It's all fading into a haze now the kids are home. Just think, soon all this will be a distant memory for you too. Can't wait to hear the good news of a court date.


A Room to Grow said...

i've been a bad blogger friend. i owe you an email. coming soon. glad to hear your paperwork seems to be coming to an end.

ipm said...

love the pics and sounds like, barring the usual red tape, things are going well!!!

hope you had a happy 4th...