Thursday, August 28, 2008

Red Square

Despite the cool and showery weather here in Moscow, we made it to Red Square this afternoon for the required photo shoot and lunch at one of the cafes.

M tried some spaghetti bolognese.

Whoa, Dad.


Suz said...

Oh Sandy, I just can't get over how beautiful she is!

I answered your question on my blog about the sleepy wrap, I wish you had one with you right now you would LOVE it!

ipm said...

oh man, these are so great!!! what a beautiful girl you have, and she's looks so cute in that sweater...

hee hee... you're almost home!!

Maggie said...

I'm so glad to see shots of you with your daughter in front of St. Basil's. It's the quintessential Russian adoption shot.
p.s. That last picture is hilarious.

Deb said...

She is just precious. I love the pics at St Basil's. A most! I know you're anxious to get home to the kids but it looks and sounds like you're having a good time while you're there.

A Room to Grow said...
