Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Moscow Eats?

We made it safely to Moscow with M and the medical examination was a breeze. We are now room-bound with an almost 11-month-old baby. We've got three days... anyone have any ideas where to eat beyond the hotel with a baby? We're on Tverskaya Street at the Marriott Grand. I saw a TGIFridays down the street which is a good option. Are there other places to go too?



Rachael said...

If you want American, there's the Hard Rock Cafe on Arbat. There is a fabulous Italian type restaurant on Smolenskaya (?) kind of across from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a little strip mall, but now I can't remember the name. You should go visit Tamara (MoscowMom's) blog and ask her, she knows all the good places.

Rachael said...

Oh, and glad you made it to Moscow safely! You didn't share: how was the flight?

Ronda said...

Congratulations!!!! Your daughter if beautiful.

TGIF was good but the service was very, very, very slow last summer. We ate at a great restaurant within walking distance to the Marriott on Patriots Pond. Ask the hotel. It's upscale and has a beautiful view of the lake with swans. The food was wonderful. We also walked to Red Square and ate at the outdoor cafes just to the left before you enter the actual square. Easy pub type food.

Safe travels.


Melissa said...

I know it is a schlep and a half from where you are, but if you go on Old Arbat st. there are many places to go. Take a cab there and do some suvenir shopping.

Tina in CT said...

Go visit my daughter's blog. She and Rachel met up at the Hard Rock when Rachel and Katya were there on their final leg of Katya's adoption. My daughter lives in Moscow with her family.