Monday, September 01, 2008

Home safe - More to follow...

We arrived home safely very late Saturday night (1am) after traveling for nearly 24 hours. M was a trooper, but not without putting us through our paces. I will write more about the journey after we settle in and catch up on some sleep. I am happy to report that she did not get sick on or before the flight. Whew! Home, free - so to speak.

The meeting of C, K and M went fantastic. C and K were bouncing off the walls all day yesterday, bringing all their old baby toys out to M. She took it all in stride and seemed to enjoy their company. After a while C and K would get interested and play with the baby toys themselves, while M would entertain herself. She is quite comfortable with them and I am so happy to see that! I think she likes being on the receiving end of this much attention and not having to compete with other babies for toys or affection.

We've been having a little trouble feeding her and getting her to sleep at certain times (like in the middle of the night). Some strange thing she ate yesterday started coming out in squirts which made her quite unhappy last night. I'm writing down everything she eats now so I can keep track of any problematic foods.

We'll get some pictures up soon.


Maggie said...

Welcome home!!! Can't wait to hear more.

ipm said...

oh, this is great!! hopefully the dietary issues will be easy to sort...

much love!! and many congrats too...

Laura said...

Welcome home!!! Great to hear from you, I can't wait to see more pix!

Suz said...

Oh yay, I'm so glad you're finally home!

Did you give her apple juice? AJ did that to D when she first came home, even with it diluted.

A Room to Grow said...

welcome home.