Sunday, September 07, 2008

Need a little help...

It's been a week now that M has been home. She has been sleeping through the night consistently the past three nights and I am very thankful for this. But I have been unsuccessful at getting her to go down for a daytime nap, morning or afternoon. She screams like someone is pulling out her toenails!

I had tried laying down with her, making sure her tummy is full, laying her down half asleep, patting her, ignoring her, picking her up, putting her down, changing her diaper, sitting with her. Nothing seems to work. There was no mention of this behavior from the orphanage workers. They said she stands up until everyone is settled and then lays down herself. No mention of crying.

The room in which we are giving her naps is our bedroom, and it's relatively quiet compared to the rest of the house. I just wonder what is going through her head when I lay her down for a nap. I really have no idea. She goes to bed at night in the same place without a fuss. And if you can catch her really exhausted she will nap there... but that's only happened two or three times.

So, has anyone experienced anything like this? Is this still a symptom of the jet lag? We didn't have this kind of trouble when we were in Russia, but I don't think it had sunk in with her that we were her captors quite yet.

She seems quite content with us when she's awake. She likes coming with us on our car rides and being with the kids. She just doesn't want to go to sleep.

Any insights would be most welcome.


Elle said...

Not one I've experienced. Have you tried rocking her totally asleep? We used that to bridge the gap with Oleg's rocking himself (although he still rocks). But it got him to sleep.

Maggie said...

Admittedly, I have no experience with this what-so-ever. So please take anything I say with a huge grain of salt.

But I wonder if there's something to the fact that she used to stand up until everyone else was down. Maybe the quiet in the room is so different for her that it's hard. What about some white noise or something?

ipm said...

Maggie's onto something. might not be enough noise.

sending you love and nap wishes!

Lauri said...

we had those issues the first two days, but that was just jet lag.

I think the white noise thing might be a good idea to try

hope it gets better soon

Ronda said...

We had a very similar thing with Natasha. She would actually poke her eyes, pull her hair and rub her face to keep herself awake. We put up a toy aquarium in her crib that she could control. Worked like magic. Good luck.


Laura said...

Hi there,
chiming in a little late here, trying to catch up.
Tigers sleeping room was completely dark! She had trouble sleeping during the day, because of the light. Maybe try those darkening curtains. That what was recommended to us.
good luck!

Suz said...

Sandy, I'm reading this way late and it looks like her naps are getting better.

However, D was a bit like this the first week we got home. We figured out it was TOO quiet for her. We put a box fan in her room (turned toward the wall so as not to blow too much air) at nap and bedtime and it worked like a charm. She was used to all the noise of the baby house and our house was too quiet for her.