Friday, September 12, 2008

When a child naps....

When a child naps, the mother can blog.... quickly.

We have had 5 great daytime naps this week, with no crying. I think last week she was mostly struggling with the jetlag, as I was. She has learned to let me comfort her a little more. And I have learned that I must not force the issue of a nap.

A few more photos...

C and M together.  (C actually came over and posed with her without me asking.  Cool.)

M spends a lot of time studying the different textures in the house.  Here's she's feeling the caning on the dining chair.  She also studies the carpet, the wall texture, and the metal strip that separates our carpet from the kitchen floor vinyl.  I think she's making up for the lack of different textures she was exposed to at the orphanage.

M had an afternoon nap yesterday and she was the absolute happiest I ever seen her when she woke up.  She spent a good half-hour playing with this activity table, in particular the spinning ball with little balls in it.  I think she enjoys having the time and toys all to herself.  She babbled, howled and squealed the whole time.  One of her diagnoses from the orphanage was speech delay and I can see that she is developing her speech capabilities full speed.  She is so much more vocal now than she was two weeks ago.  One of her noises when coming out of the orphanage was to inhale with vocal sounds.  Now most of her vocalizing is using her exhales;  she must have found that she can make more sounds this way.

I see mischief coming soon!


Maggie said...

How interesting to see her focusing on different textures. I always find it amazing when kids with delays seem to know what they need. I see that with Slugger all the time.

It's so wonderful that she's exposed to all these simple things that are necessary parts of development now. She'll fill those holes that she has in no time.

ipm said...

oh, she's a treat! great pic with C too... :)))

happy days!!!

Deb said...

That last picture is adorable.

Interesting about her exploring her textures. I never would have thought of that. Glad she's started to adjust to life at home.

6blessings said...

Very sweet pictures. I love the one in the previous post with the sisters. How very, very cute! She's a doll!

junglemama said...

What adorable pictures! Cool that she is exploring her world.

Jennefer said...

Yep. The nap hits and you try to fit a days worth of alone time in! You are great about keeping up with the blog. She is darling!

Laura said...

What a great smile!! She does look like she is up to something or on her way to getting into something.
I am so happy for you guys!

joslinster said...

She is the cutest thing ever! Isn't it sweet when they start doing something and you realize that they learned something new? I've forgotten, with my teenagers! They do learn new text messaging shortcuts though.

Can't wait to hear more!

Teddy said...

Oh Sandy, she's so lovely. That pic of her with C is great :)

Yay for naps! (for everyone!)