Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween Costumes

Kevin and yours truly at a costume party as Sharkbait and Groovy Mama. C was so disturbed by my costume that he kept trying to pull off my wig the whole evening. Notice that we wiped out M.

Here we have the mummy, the Russian princess (or perhaps the peasant princess), the Ladybug, and someone masquerading as Dad. I made both the mummy and Russian costume dress. Never will I make a mummy out of cheesecloth strips again. It would make me so happy to throw the mummy costume in the trash except for the amount of work I invested in it. It was difficult and it was a mess. But C did look pretty darn good in it and he received lots of compliments. K received lots of compliments for her costume too, but it really was the headdress that made her costume. We purchased it in Russia. We happily recycled K's costume from baby days for M.

On our way down to the neighborhood where we trick-or-treat. There is no trick-or-treating where we live because the homes are too far apart and the roads are steep and dark, so we impose upon our city neighbors for some free candy. They decorate their houses and make the whole night really fun.

Trick or treat!


Melissa said...

you made the headdress too? that is impressive

sandy said...

Oops! Meant to say we purchased that in Russia! Yeah, that would be pretty time-consuming.

joslinster said...

You're right, that headdress is awesome. C's costume is great! He looks like a real mummy. Neeto!

laura said...

Hi Sandy,
I've been reading your blog and crying. And I'm not a cryer. Your family is absolutely beautiful. What God can do in the shortest amount of time! My husband and I are waiting for travel approval to go back to Stavropol and get our little girl. We were told that we will likely travel this month. Our baby is 14 months old and I wonder if she is in the same orphanage that M was in. Could you email me if you get a chance?

Rachael said...

Great costumes! Especially love you in the groovy wig!

Impressed that you made them both.

Teddy said...

Well, one whisk was pulled out of the CO storage stuff; mom already had a couple so I got it. Then, J brought me back one from Disneyland. It has a Mickey Mouse head at the end of the handle. It also doesn't work terribly well. And I think I ended up with...4 pitchers. Which, since I just drink water most of the time, is honestly more than I need.

I have a cheap plastic spatula that's holding up pretty well, except that running it through the dishwasher never gets egg off it, so I just wash it by hand. Ah well.

Also, you and the kids look awesome in your outfits. Did they have a good time trick or treating?