Friday, March 31, 2006

Morning and Friends

My grandmother graciously smiled for me when I took this photo this morning. I told her I was going to put it on the internet. I don't think she believed me.

The kids stayed home from preschool today. C is sick and K benefits from my desire to sleep in.

If you are interested in Russian adoption, be sure to read my two previous posts.

A couple of weeks ago our dear friends, the Bermudezes, came to visit us from England. I thought I would post a few pictures of them too. They are the ones who introduced me to blogging. Check out Mollie's blog, ipodmomma.

This is Peter, Ted and Spence hanging out at the bar.

Jocelyn and C look down on everyone from the loft.

Mollie and I at the Pacific Cookie Company.


ipodmomma said...

the time at your house was such a blessing... it was there that Spencer finally began to chill out some, and enjoy himself. he really had fun playing trains, etc, with Conor. and then in Chico he watched Sesame Street, J did too... :)))

I can't even begin to thank you enough for so many blessings you all gave to us, during our stay. can't wait to reciprocate... :)))

oldhall said...

your Grandma must be bored out of her skull- no one around, no TV... does someone bring the paper up for her?

Hope the rest of your trip is alright. I, too, have an ear infection and antibiotics (explains why I'm up at 3AM)

CarolinaGirl said...

Hey there!. I love ipodmomma!!! I now read your blog because of her. I have changed the look of my site and my profile name (just for fun)...but, it is still me..Caroline. I hope things are going well for you in the process. We are leaving on Saturday, but, plan on keeping in touch with everyone while we are there for the 3 weeks. Keep in touch!!