Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Snow at Tahoe

Early morning snow on Crystal Bay, Lake Tahoe.

We just returned home from a trip to Incline Village at Lake Tahoe. It didn't snow for us until today, the day we came home. And poor C was sick with an ear infection for the trip and didn't get to enjoy snow play or the pool. Poor guy! The antibiotics did start to kick in this morning so we were able to stop briefly to sled on our drive home. I've never seen so much snow on I-80! It was beautiful! And when we returned home we had to drive in the back fire detour, because a mudslide with more threatening to fall has completely blocked the main entrance to our neighborhood. It may be days before they have a chance to clear it. So, the only three days we decide to get away it rains 5 inches, slides close off the road and grandma is trapped at home with no power (and no TV!) It's great to be home. And with power. And antibiotics. I am thankful for all these things!

Here is K making snow angels while C naps back at the hotel.

K and her snowman.

C eating worms and dirt for dessert at the Lone Eagle Grille.

K enjoying her worms and dirt.

1 comment:

ipodmomma said...

it's amazing how little things that we otherwise sometiems take for granted can be such treasures... I felt that way when we got the AGA back, and the kitchen wasn't freezing any longer...

glad that Conor is better, and that you all made the most of the trip! how was the new car?

what is it with the weather there??? very interesting...

PS... love having your blog to read! pics of the kids and all are such a treat... :)))