Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Weekend photos

Here are a few pictures of our family. This is my grandmother, Elaine, with my daughter, K, at Legoland last October.

This is my husband, Kevin, with our twin daughter and son, K and C. They will be five in June. He took the kids to Marin this past weekend to visit their grandparents. Here they are on the ferry to San Francisco.

C is on the Balclutha at the Maritime Museum near Fisherman's Wharf.

K and C riding the ferry home. Kevin said it took 12 ounces of conditioner to comb through K's hair that night.

C and K with their grandparents. Hair combed.


Anonymous said...

hi sandy,
great family u have
i am david martinez formorely of redwood city!
i now live with my malaysian wife and daughter in singapore
keep up the good work and hope to know more about you in the future...
new mexico/singapore

ipodmomma said...

great pics!!!

we had such a fab time with you all... thanks again for sharing your place with us...

6blessings said...

Thanks for posting on my blog. It was really pretty interesting timing. The kids we have been given as referrals and are considering are twins who will be five in June. Coincidence or God's timing? The latter, I think. We already have one set of twins, 8 year old girls. When is your twins' exact birthday? The pictures were great! Welcome to the blogging world!

ipodmomma said...

I like the new look!!!!