Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Two Letters from the County

We received our two property ownership verification letters from the County Assessor's office today. That was incredibly fast, and the letters were written perfectly! No worries! Kevin has been making great progress too. He put two photos onto my desk for the visa application, dropped my assets information packet off at the the tax preparer's, and said the employment verification letter should be forthcoming in the next 2-3 days. I was considering dragging my grandma down to the sheriff's office tomorrow for the Good Conduct letters, but I think I'll wait until the 171-H form arrives before I do that, since the sheriff's letter needs to be renewed every 3 months. (I think I was a bit hasty getting the doctor's reports first. They need to be renewed every 3 months too. Sigh.)

Now I sit patiently waiting for the 171-H form to arrive, so that I can finish up notarizing and apostilling every and send it off. Should we form a pool to guess when it will arrive? May 22nd is 6 weeks from the time fingerprints were submitted. That's a good optimistic date to hope for.

On the more enjoyable side, I've been able to think about the baby's room a little bit. We need to get it set up so we can take pictures of it for the dossier. It's very exciting to think about, but also daunting because it means I have to move out some heavy furniture, and basically deal with my accumulated crap. It drains my energy just thinking about it. Time to start reading FlyLady again. FlyLady.net is this incredible site with helpful information on how to clean up your house (and other aspects of your life as well). There's this process called the 27-Fling Boogie for decluttering a room. I'll need to review it.

We need to take pictures of the rest of the house too, but I've been waiting for the impossible to happen first: for the house to be picked up AND for the sun to come out. It's not looking like the sun is going to come out anytime soon. We're breaking 100-year rain records here in central California this past month. I'll have to turn on the lights.


Teddy said...

Hmm, it's sunny here, but quite cold. Glad things are going well. Give the kids a hug for me!

ipodmomma said...

so strange about all that rain! but at least you'll have a lovely lawn... :)))

such progress! that must feel so good... looking forward to hearing how the clean out goes; we could use that here!!