Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mother's Day Surf

Mother's Day morning I dragged myself out of bed and drove down to Santa Cruz to get out in the water. Five other moms from the Mom's surfing group that I occasionally go out with were there too. Cowell's is always crowded, especially on the weekend, but it was a minus tide and the swell was good. I surfed for two good hours before I was too tired to paddle any longer. It was a brilliant morning, with warm air and no fog. It made my day!

The photo above is an afternoon shot of Cowell's Beach. For some beautiful early morning photographs of Cowell's, see Santa Cruz Surfers.


ipodmomma said...

that's so nice!!! what a wodnerful way to start your Mum's day... :)))

such a beautiful picture!!!

Jennefer said...

I love Santa Cruz! It was one of my favorite vacations as a kid. I was so glad to hear that Huntington Beach got the Surf City USA title though. Surf City USA sounds stupid to me. I much rather just say Santa Cruz.

6blessings said...

What a way to spend Mother's Day!!
Glad you had a good time! The water looks great!

Elle said...

LUCKY!! I thought about driving to the beach yesterday, but I don't surf. Of course you have to be insane to surf in Westport, WA. But somehow they do it. Full dry suits and all.

Sounds like you had a fantastic mother's day.

Rhonda said...

Gorgeous photo! I wish I had spent mother's day that way, it sounds like a lot of fun.