Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Party Woes

Yesterday I sat down with the kids to have them help me fill out and address their birthday invitations. This birthday party is turning out to have a life of it's own. We invited 6 kids from their preschool class plus our family and closest friends. If everyone comes (with their families) this adds up to 45 total people. I know you are thinking that that is one out-of-control birthday party... what is WRONG with me? Right? Well, it's for two kids at the same time and it's pretty much the only party I have all year long if we don't host the family Thanksgiving. We're serving dinner too (buffet style) because members of our family travel one-to-two hours to get here, and it gives everyone a chance to relax and get to know one another. Our kids don't seem overwhelmed by the size... they're used to having big family gatherings, and they like having their friends come over, since I'm not very good at playdates.

I think I made a big mistake when I allowed the kids to help me address the invitations. When I dropped them off at school this morning I told them NOT to talk about their birthday party with anyone at school. Can anyone expect a four-year-old/nearly five-year-old NOT to talk about their birthday party??? That's an impossible request! When I picked the kids up from school today C tells me that he told two of his uninvited classmates that they NOT invited to his birthday party. What??!!! Crap.

I don't know what to do now. I sort of feel like we should invite these kids now, but then I'd have to invite the last remaining two as well... an additional four families (or 16 people!). If these are talkative kids (as mine are) I'm sure their mothers have heard all about C telling them they couldn't come to his party. Ugh. On the other hand, should I feel compelled to add potentially 16 mouths to the guest list because my son is 4 and doesn't understand tact and diplomacy? Also, we haven't been to those boys parties either. And I'm not complaining either... I understand that you can't invite everybody. Crimony.

I think I am weighing in for the latter... keep the guest list as-is and steady-on through any fallout. Sigh.
Next year I'll aim to keep it simple.

At any rate, it should be fun!


ipodmomma said...

I remember those kinds of situations... oy! glad those days are long gone...

but go with it as is. you can't invite everyone. and have a great time!

Maggie said...

That's one big party! I bet K & C are going to have a great time.

6blessings said...

Birthday parties for twins can get really overwhelming!! Do you do separate cakes, etc. ? I remember one year one of mine wanted a cake and one wanted cupcakes. We have to remember who we sing "Happy Birthday" to first each year. Believe me, they remember. It switches off each year. I guess I'm getting ready for a double dose of twin birthdays. Unfortunately not this year, but next year we'll do it up big!

Hope everything goes well!

Jennefer said...

I wish my family lived close enough that we could host big family parties. That sounds fun. I wouldn't worry about inviting all the kids that hear about it. Maybe you could invite the univited kids you are worried about over at a different time for a playdate or something. Just an idea.

sandy said...

Separate cakes is a MUST otherwise I'd be serving a dinosaur-butterfly cake, or princess-train cupcakes, or this year it's hula-pirate themed! =)