Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Just within the past two weeks C learned to skip. Today he came with me to run some errands while K (with a cold) stayed home with my grandmother. C held my hand and skipped to the Post Office. He skipped across the parking lot to the photo processing store. He skipped down the sidewalk to Baskin Robbins. I can't describe to you what joy I feel to be able to hold the hand of a little boy that is skipping. It's absolutely wonderful.

I had the same experience this evening after dinner. We all went out to the garden to see how things were growing. Then the kids both took off running back toward the house, full of excitement at seeing the growing plants and anticipation that we might catch another rat in our live trap. Their energy and enthusiasm is boundless and it lifts me up!

On the adoption front, before we left on our trip to Kauai, our agency contacted us to tell us that they received our dossier intact and everything looked good so they were sending it to Russia. We've received a couple of updates from the agency director in the past two weeks. While Frank is not having their accreditation revoked, they must register with Russia as an NGO (non-profit agency) before their accreditation will be renewed. I think all the agencies up for accreditation renewal are experiencing this new requirement. The estimate for accreditation is now possibly September. They are requiring two new documents for our dossier: a letter of recommendation from our Home Study agency and another power of attorney. As I understand it, these documents are required so that our agency can process our adoption as an independent adoption until they have their accreditation renewed. There are some regions that will continue processing new adoptions as independent adoptions, and these regions are the ones that our agency will be receiving referrals from until their accreditation is renewed. The director continues to tell us that families are currently receiving referrals and traveling. This is good news. And hopefully our agency will receive their renewed accreditation before the Russian parliament passes legislation to outlaw independent adoptions.


ipodmomma said...

love that skipping story!!! they are getting so unbelievably big!!!

thinking of you with all that is going on in the adoptive area... hopefully it will be smooth sailing...

much love...

Maggie said...

I hadn't checked your garden blog in a while. Things are really looking good. But the rats gave me heebies jeebies even through the internet.

Good news about your dossier. I really, really hope the agencies waiting for reaccreditation get set up according to the NGO rule quickly and get their certificates without too much delay.

6blessings said...

The garden is amazing! Wow! I worked my tail off trying to get in two flower beds. They looked good at first, but are looking pretty sad now. We don't get hardly any rain. We're like 6 inches behind this year. My dh told me last night that he didn't think my thumb was very green. Ugh! At least I'm trying.

Hope everything on the adoption front keeps going smoothly and all the new requirements don't slow things up too much. Glad your dossier got submitted okay.

Jennefer said...

That is good news. It sounds like things will still be moving along despite the NGO thing.

I haven't skipped for a long time. I miss it.