Thursday, June 22, 2006

Recurring theme - twins

No adoption news to report.

The twins have been out of preschool for a week and I am slowly adapting to having them around all the time. They are adjusting too, and are becoming less needy. Today we juggled some furniture around upstairs and made a larger play space for them in our loft. It was hotter than hell here this afternoon, especially in the loft, but the kids enjoyed playing in the newly expanded space. I was able to consolidate our desk and computer wiring situation, somewhat. (Mainly, I unplugged the junk we weren't using and shoved it in the closet!) It's nice to have the desk cleaned up without a pile of wires on it. Now if I could just get motivated to clean out all the paper.

A week ago Wednesday I came home with our neighbor's cat. Her fiancee is moving in with her and is allergic to cats. We had offered earlier this year to take the cat if she had no other options. And then the day came. I had a dreadful feeling for two days before we picked up the cat from her. How could this go anything but wrong?? Our one cat, Smokey, is old and timid, and seems quite content to be the only cat here in the house. What were we thinking adding another ADULT cat? Sigh. Bodhi is the new guy, a very sleek and good-sized black American shorthair. He's fairly good natured, but can get irritated if you pay too much attention to him. I'll post a pic when I have the energy. We've been taking it very slow... keeping him in the laundry room, getting him used to the noises and energy of the house. I'll put him in his cat carrier and bring him into the living room while the kids are playing so he can get used to them. But they are so pet-deprived that they both crowd him and he freaks out, hissing and growling. My husband was feeling sorry for him last night while I was out and let him wander the house after the kids were in bed. Now Bodhi is ready to sneak out whenever I open the laundry room door.... but then he's not ready to be loose in the house with the kids chasing him. He made a couple of rounds and went right back into the laundry room. Door shut! A new thing I didn't know about is a wall plug-in that emits cat pheromones into the air. I have this plugged into a laundry room outlet, so that Bodhi is bathed in soothing, calming pheromones while he is in there. I've introduced him to Smokey twice while in the cat carrier. Smokey is scared to death of him. We'll see how this goes.

It's 9:30pm. Why are my children not asleep yet? It's dark outside... I don't get it.

I'm very excited because I am flying to Vegas tomorrow afternoon to hang out with one of my bestest friends. I met Laura in junior high when my family moved to Lake Havasu City, Arizona. After 3 years in Lake Havasu, our families both moved to California about a week apart. Her family settled in Templeton, near San Luis Obispo. My grandparents (who I grew up with) moved to Hemet, near Palm Springs and Riverside. We kept in touch, and both went to Cal Poly SLO at the same time. She now lives and works in Southern California, while I am now north near Santa Cruz. We meet once a year to the spend a weekend in Vegas. The heat of the desert summer is reminiscent of the 120 degree days of Lake Havasu, where we used to lay on the beach at the Nautical Inn playing chinese checkers with the metal board that was too hot to touch. We're staying at the MGM where I plan to sleep in, lay around the numerous pools reading, get a massage, and eat decadently. My gambling has always been conservative, but is now near zero since my last experience of being cleaned out at the blackjack table in about 5 minutes. (I'd rather eat than gamble.) I am bringing my camera on this trip to have some pictures to post. Ray Romano has a standup show this weekend that I am eager to go see, if my friend is willing. A few years ago I took my grandmother to go see his show (she's a big Raymond fan) and he was so funny I could hardly stay in my seat. He has twins too.

The Mothers of Twins club for Santa Cruz County called me yesterday to see if I wanted to make a meal for a new twin family. This new family is special for two reasons: 1) they adopted four-year-old boy/girl twins from Russia just recently, and 2) they live in the same town that I do! I have corresponded with the parents via email a few times, but I am very anxious to meet them and their two littles ones. Maybe they are close enough in age to get along with C and K. That would be so cool!


Maggie said...

That would be great for you to meet another family that adopted from Russia. I have such a big group of other adoptive families that I met through hosting, and we're a big support system for each other.

Have fun in Vegas!

ipodmomma said...

sounds like things are going well. heard about that heat there! whew!

when the kids go to school in the fall, Bodhi will have some time to get more used to the house and the quiet...

I just hope Smokey will adapt!

and what a great weekend getaway for you!!! have a truly fab time, eat well, and enjoy Ray's show. I remember you telling me about it, or maybe it was Elaine. sounds like a good time... :)))

Jennefer said...

I love that I am writing to someone who lives near Santa Cruz. I love that place and it makes me feel closer to it somehow.

Anyway, that is neat that you have a loft. I love lofts. They are fun. Fun for kids.

How nice of you to take your friends cat and to bring dinner to the family in town with the new Russian twins. What a great opportunity to make new friends.

I hope you have a great time in Vegas. How cool that you guys get together regularly like that. I wish my old friends still got together.

I have a friend that went to Cal Poly- good school.

Deb said...

That is so neat about your Mother's of Twins new friend. I hope the kids all get along well.
Have fun in Vegas!

6blessings said...

Twins, twins, everywhere. Where in Russia did she get her twins? How long have they been home. That will be an awesome opportunity for your kids to meet new friends in the same unique situation that they are in. My girls loved having the girls at church to hang out with and share the twin thing. I think that's why the one's death has been so hard on them.

Anyway, I hope you have a great time with your friend. Those times with old friends are special.