Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Update for the day

We received an email from our agency director today. I always look forward to these emails because, despite the setbacks that are everpresent, the director is always upbeat and continues to note the progress that is being made by the other families they are serving.

The news for today was twofold. He forwarded a note from the Frank Foundation informing everyone that Russia is no longer accepting US bank notes issued prior to 1996. Isn't it strange that a bill worth $100 here is literally worthless in Russia? I'm not too concerned about this announcement because I expected it, being well-prepared from reading the blogs of you lucky Russian adoptive travelers. What did scare me though, was reading Rhonda's comment about when she went to exchange seemingly new bills which were then rejected. (I'm still waiting to see a photo of one of the bills, if you still have one. =) It's frightening enough to think about how much cash we are going to have to carry with us, without worrying where the heck we are going to find brand spanking new bills. Should I start requesting them from my bank now?

The second bit of information the director relayed was that things are moving slowly in Russia right now. Are any of us surprised? He pointed out that August tends to be the slowest month because it's the traditional vacation time for Russians. The agency is expecting an increase in referrals in September. Now we're keeping our fingers crossed for September. (Wishful thinking!)

I am ten pages away from finishing Anna Karenina. I think I can finish it tonight. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to read next? My husband keeps telling me I should start War and Peace, but I'm not sure I want to commit my entire summer to one book. (He keeps telling me it's REALLY good!)


6blessings said...

The money situation really does stink in Russia. On trip one we also encountered money trouble, not in Moscow, but in region. Our agency people scanned each bill meticulously noting any small marks, bends, irregularities. When they found one, they would ask for another bill. We finally handed all of our money to them and said, "Take what you want." They rummaged through and took all of the best ones.

We are now preparing for trip two. Three weeks ago, right after we received our court date, I went straight to the bank. They have been ordering new 100s and sorting through them for the best ones. They are holding out the "top of the line" for us. I'm supposed to go next week and see what they have. I'm praying for a miracle stash of 100 dollar bills.

Jennefer said...

They say you should call your bank a few weeks before you need your new bills, so they can have them ready for you. I am nervous about wrinkling them up in the transport. I don't know how to ensure they will stay looking nice.

Anna Karina is actually the book that my book club is reading right now, but I cheated and rented the movie. Let me know if you find a good book!

Elle said...

I have a few books.
"As far as my feet will carry me" and if you want a good long one that you can't put down "The Count of Monte Cristo" unless you read it in highschool. OMG... best book evah!

ipodmomma said...

a lot of Europe shuts down in August.

that't interesting about the notes... Hmm....

as for a book, are you looking for just Russian literarture?,,13509-2226018,00.html

I read about this book in the Times yesterday...

Suz said...

Have you read Dr. Zhivago? I read it a couple of years ago, had never read it before or seen the movie. I watched the movie after reading and much preferred the book.

Deb said...

We haven't filed our HS yet. We tried to do it with the agency we were with but they told us we had to have $30,000 up front. Since we don't have that kind of money saved up they said it was better not to do our HS yet.