Thursday, July 13, 2006

Pirates and Hula Girls

We had the twins birthday party this past Sunday. I spent the latter part of last week getting the preparations in place. Thankfully all the planning had already been accomplished the previous month before the kids came down with the pox! We had 44 people show up for the party. Wow! It was a warm afternoon and evening, wonderful weather for a party on the lawn and deck. The kids had a great time, and based on how much people drank and ate I believe the guests had a good time as well!

K and C on the giant bouncey slide.

Opening presents with their friends looking on.

Pirates of the Caribbean and Lilo and Stitch cakes.

Everything about the party went well, except that it started and was over so quickly for me! In four hours, I never saw the kids slide down the slide or ride around the lawn on their bikes. I never saw Kevin and Uncle Nate launch bottle rockets into the crowd of onlookers or the trees. I never ate with the kids. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. And folks would come in and start talking and also offer to help... but I was stuck in the kitchen! (And I had done a huge amount of prepwork beforehand too.) I think I was finally able to get out of the house when I started saying goodbye to everyone at the end of the party. It was a great party, but next time I am going to do one of two things: 1) have smaller kid birthday parties (with just kids), and/or 2) have a big party for all my friends that's catered! I can't feed 44 people and expect to do much else for the party. Lesson learned!

Check it out! I created an iMix up on iTunes of the music I played at the party. I went up to iTunes one night and shopped around for some hula tunes and found they actually have some pirate music too! Click here to see it. (Clicking the link on my Mac launches iTunes. I'm not sure what will happen on a PC if you don't have the iTunes application.) One of my favorite songs (well, they're all good) besides "Pipeline" by the Ventures is "Scolding Wife" by Great Big Sea. It's hilarious!


ipodmomma said...

yeah, I know that feeling!!! but it looks great in the pics... :))))

glad the weather was good...

Anonymous said...

What a fun party!! Great slide!I agree though to go catered if you can so you can have fun too.

I have ITunes but I couldn't get the links to work. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.