Thursday, July 13, 2006

We received the 171-H!

Yesterday we received the 171-H form in the mail. Yippee!! Then I opened the envelope and saw that we were only approved for adopting one child, not two. Hmmmmm. I specified on the I600-A application that we needed approval for two children. In our home study, we stated that we are looking for an infant girl of age 8 to 18 months. In addition, if that child has a sibling, boy or girl, between the ages of 8 months to 3 years, then we would like to adopt the sibling too. Perhaps the processor at BCIS was scanning too quickly and skipped the second part. At any rate, I called our home study agency today and thanked them profusely for giving BCIS a little nudge regarding our application. And then I told them our dilemma. They are going to see if it can be reviewed before the processor goes on vacation for two weeks. I am relieved!

We are only interested in adopting one child, an infant girl. It took much convincing of my husband to get him to agree to apply for approval of adopting two children. It leaves the door open for us if a sibling turns up after we have met our girl. It also leaves open the possibility of adopting twins. It seems like it's going to take us so long to receive our referral for a single girl... I wonder if twins would come sooner. (Probably not.) But, as I know firsthand, twins are a lot of work, and we are afraid of not having enough time for C and K if we adopt more than one right now.


ipodmomma said...

that is interesting... I hope they are able to get it sorted...

sure thinking of you all... sending much love...

Deb said...

Congratz on receiving the 171-H. I hope they fix the error.

Maggie said...

Yay! Kind of. Hope they get the glitch cleared up soon. Smart of you to leave your home study as broad as you want to accept, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say Congrats on the 171-H! That is a milestone in the adoption journey. I wanted to put down 2 kids for the same reasons you mentioned, but M said No. :(