Monday, September 25, 2006


Woods Lake, the most peaceful place on earth.

Thank you all for your words of wisdom and your prayers for us. We have really needed both the past few days. We didn't find out much on Friday because our dossier coordinator was out sick. I had applied to the Yahoo Ekat group and was waiting for approval. Our anniversary weekend was coming (and my birthday too!) and we had planned to go camping again, so much of Friday was a wild frenzy as I took my visiting aunt to the airport, shot the kids off to school, packed the car like a madwoman for a couple hours and then tore out of here to get the kids and Kevin, and begin our trip. And now I have the dreaded disease, ECD. Email Checking Disorder. Kevin and I talked about whether or not to go to Ekat or not. Kevin had been able to talk to our director Friday and was encouraged. Meanwhile I had received a very discouraging email from another person who was struggling through their adoption in Ekat, mired in the neverending demands of the judge and bitter from the whole process. We were so overwhelmed by this decision that we put it out of our minds for the entire weekend.

We got home around 9 last night and after getting the kids to bed, I flipped open the computer to start my research. I spent the next 3 hours reading the Ekat group, looking through their resources, and soliciting advice. The information has been pouring in today. Many folks have sent their vehement opinions of the judge and the soul-draining wait, others sent only warnings, and finally there were those that were very optimistic and encouraging. The biggest problem appears to be having all the documents that the judge (seemingly randomly, or even cruelly to some) demands. I was able to speak with our dossier coordinator today and she was incredibly helpful. She just finished putting together the documents needed for a family in Southern CA that traveled for their first trip in May. They have just returned to Ekat for their court date tomorrow. It was good to hear that our agency has successfully navigated the document requirements of the judge. She also mentioned that we were in good shape "date-wise" because our dossier wouldn't start expiring until next April. Just a few things needed to be updated or redone for Ekat.

We are down to the wire. Our agency needs to know first thing tomorrow what we are going to do. We're thinking of going for it, but we also need to sleep on it.

Today, once I felt like I could handle the document challenges, and felt like I had my agency's support and clout behind me, I was ready to go. Kevin feels the same way. He is heartened by the numerous reports that the children in Ekat are very well taken care of. Here is an open door for us. I know what types of challenges we will face. I hope and pray that we make it through. I hope and pray that we don't get discouraged through this process. It will be a real walk of faith.

Now for a few camping pics:

Enjoying the afternoon sun with C.

Warming up by the fire and roasting marshmallows before dinner. The weather was so cold! We pulled into the campsite at 11 Friday night and it was 35 and windy. As we unpacked the car we found that the adult sleeping bags were wet from a leaky ice chest. (Thank God the kids bags were dry.) It was a cold night and the next day was blustery cold... but a campfire always makes a trip better.

Fishing at Woods Lake. K was the only one who hooked a trout, but it got away.

Enjoying that delicious s'more.


Anonymous said...

thinking of you all, and sending prayers your way...

pics are great! I hope the bags dried out... :)))

love, mollie

Deb said...

Praying for you as you sleep.
Follow your heart and peace. You will make the right decision.

Your agency sounds like they are on toop of things for the Ekat region.

Maggie said...

Good for you, Sandy. You've researched it thoroughly, you know what you're facing, and you're ready for it. Good decision.

Melissa said...

I just love camping

Suz said...

Wow! Sounds so exciting, things are really rolling along now!

Ummmm-yummmm, I was just thinking about s'mores the other day! We need to do a little mini-camp out and do some s'smores. Daria used to call it "melting weenies" when we'd cook the hot-dogs on the open fire.