Tuesday, September 26, 2006

We're going to Russia

We're going. I just confirmed with our director. I'm excited!


A Room to Grow said...

That's great, it's exciting to hear that you are going. I've been nervous (for you, for us) the last week about the whole reaccrediation thing but it's good to see that our agency can keep things moving.

In my opinion, whether you have a medical/pic ahead of time or not - you still need to do your homework when you are over there. Sounds like this is your "time"!

Jennefer said...

Yay!! I knew it! I knew I would hear good news from you guys soon! How exciting! You thought it would be forever and now here you are scrambling to go. I hope you can get some good info. from my site but remember to sign your visa application!!! I am excited to hear all about it. Yay again!!!

Deb said...

I'm so happy for you and very glad you decided to go with Ekat.

So does this mean you already have a referral?

Maggie said...

Yay! So happy for you. When it's time for you to travel and you do go to Ekat, please take a minute to point yourself southeast and blow a kiss toward Tyumen (and Vladimir) for me, OK?

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Do you have a travel date?

sandy said...

We are still waiting for a travel date. Now it's looking more like the last two weeks of October (which means I get a little bit of a breather). And Debbie, we will be traveling without a referral. We will get our referral from the MOE when we get there... traveling "blind", I guess they call it.

Melissa said...

How awesome for you! I am jealous, but oh so happy! Doing the happy dance. You go girl!

Deb said...

Okay. I guess I didn't fully understand the traveling blind thing. I am still very happy you made the decision to go with Ekat.
Thanks for the clarification.

6blessings said...

Super! Let us know when you get your travel dates. It will be great to follow you. I'm so excited for you and to hear about travelling blind.

Lauri said...

Yippie... just catching up on my blogs..... congrats & have a safe trip

Elle said...

Fantastic!!! Don't worry about the paperwork challenges. It gets done. I can't tell you how many times we got fingerprinted. The judge asked and asked. You just get to know your notary and secretary of state apostille person really well.

Best of luck!!!

Laura said...

I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to hear how things go for you. Ekat is a great region. I am still so torn with what to do for us, I'm think I am going to wait it out for now.
So, when will you be going? A couple of weeks???

Laura said...

BTW, did you get a chance to see the pix I sent you? 2 of the kids are from Ekat. with G, Evan and AJ.

Suz said...

Any dates yet, or you just know it's coming soon?

Suz said...

ok, I guess I should've read the other comments first. never mind me.

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! Very happy for you.