Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Our dossier has been forwarded from Moscow to our facilitator in Yekaterinburg, where it will be translated into Russian. It is scheduled to be submitted to the Ministry of Education on October 9th. Once the MOE has reviewed it, they will extend an invitation to us to travel to the region for a referral. Our agency has told us we will probably travel during the second half of October. The trip will be approximately 6 days.

The kids will not be traveling with us. Kevin's parents have offered to come stay with them while we are away. However, about a year ago, they told us they had scheduled a Hawaiian cruise vacation for the last two weeks in October of this year. We were all very excited for them, and still are. When we signed up for the adoption process in January and got the ball rolling I remember thinking, "I bet we'll be traveling to Russia right when Kevin's parents are on their cruise." What d'ya know! I'm not at all disappointed, though. I've been clinging to the hope that Murphy's Law would kick in and that we would be traveling sooner and not later. Thankfully Kevin's sister lives very close and has offered to help us with the kids. I think it will work out.

I learned how to handwrite Cyrillic tonight in my class. Now I may be able to read written names. Maybe. My instructor helped me pronounce Екатеринбург, but it's not very easy in Russian. The stress is on the last syllable, and certainly not on the second as it is pronounced in English. I'm going to have her pronounce some of the Russian Child Talk phrases to me so I can say them right.

Today I made my first pass at the bank for money. I arrived just before lunchtime, and hogged one of the two tellers for the better part of half an hour. She counted out $6000 worth of bills for me, and over half of them still had some sort of faded crease mark in the middle. So now I have $3000 worth of used bills that I need to trade in for newer looking bills. How new do these bills have to be? Our agency has stated, "Your cash must be in good, clean condition, have no visible markings, be crisp, and printed no earlier than 1996." But I remember Rhonda commenting on having a perfectly good bill refused, and now I'm concerned. Should I be asking them to order brand new bills?

I also made a pass through our safe deposit box to store all that "perfect" cash and to hunt for the Deed of Trust for our property. I believe we don't have one! Hmmmm. Were we supposed to get one when we bought the house? I can't find it anywhere here at home either. I hope this is something I can get a copy of from the County Recorder's office.

I think I need a Valium. Every morning I wake up feeling pretty good, optimistic about the day, you know. Then as the day passes, I find myself running out of energy and patience and calmness. My stomach starts twittering, and I can feel the anxiety working it's nasty magic on my whole body. Why! All I need to be concerned about right now is packing my bag and buying a teddy bear! I wish I had a personal adoption coordinator that everyday would tell me exactly what I had to do for that day, and nothing more. Then it would be impossible to worry about everything in the future. I can't turn off my restless mind. (Obviously, here I am blogging about all this when I should be soaking in the hot tub or curled up on the couch watching the boob-tube.) Well, at any rate, I feel better venting about it. Now off to bed.


ipodmomma said...

everyday is some new adventure of sorts. our love and prayers are with you all!

Laura said...

Hey there Sandy,
I'm so excited for you! I remember getting new bills from the bank, some of them were not so new, nothing got rejected from us. So, don't stress over it.
So, like in a month you will be going!! How are you making out with the 8 doctors?

6blessings said...

I'm excited to see you getting deeper into the process. Sorry it's so stressful. Just take a deep breath. Everything will work out just the way it should.

As far as money, we had trouble on trip one with our money. So we worked from trip one to trip two getting as perfect of bills as possible. We had no trouble on trip two. Our bank held the best ones back for us for a month then we spent over an hour rummaging through to find the best of the best.

The childcare will work out too. I'm so excited for you!!! October is almost here!

Suz said...

Oh but it's so exciting!! Yes, the money is a big issue. I don't think you can figure out a rhyme or reason to why they won't accept it sometimes. I think there is a rule that every 42nd bill presented must be refused or something like that. We always take more than we think we'll need, just in case! Like it grows on trees or something!

Melissa said...

I am worried if they want the deed to our house. We bought it before I changed my name. So our deed has my maiden name on it. I hope that doesn't screw us up. Now you have me worried.

Alright you relax and enjoy getting your child. Let me do the worrying for you.

Lauren & Cupcake said...

we are suppose to be traveling the last two weeks in Oct too!We have a wedding the 28th so I am SURE it will fall at the same time!

Jennefer said...

I am very familiar with the anxiety you are referring to, but I am sure it will increase as we get closer.

As far as the bills are concerned- its hard to know. We were so picky about the bills being perfect and then they didn't really seem to care at the bank we went to. We didn't get new bills, but we went through a ton of bills to choose the best ones- it took forever.

I so need that personal adoption coordinator too!

Good luck on getting everything together- we did it in 3 days so you will be fine- try to relax and take a break.

Rhonda said...

The bill thing is so subjective. Ours were creased several times in the middle. They still looked new to me, so I thought they were OK. I wasn't being picky about them at all. If you have new-looking bills from your bank, you'll be fine. And if they do reject, your agency will likely take you around to several places until they find one that will accept. Don't worry :)

Rhyne & Jake said...

Congratulations!! In just a few weeks you'll be going to Russia!!!
I'm so excited for you guys!!!!