Thursday, September 21, 2006

Flying blind, or not?

Don't say "I told you so."

We got an email from our agency saying that two of the ministers who have signed for our agency's reaccreditation have resigned and now the accreditation has been delayed. The president of the agency is flying to Russia to try to find out if there is some workaround, or exception or anything to keep the accreditation on track. But the accreditation is currently on hold. Thankfully our agency still has regions open that will work them to process independent adoptions. They have been sending families throughout the summer and into the fall, with success. So this doesn't worry me too much.

I talked to our agency director today to get more information about Yekaterinburg. I found out that since July we have only had one family ahead of us on the list get a referral, and we are currently at #7, with no estimate for how long it will take for a referral if we stay on the list. If we choose to go to Yekaterinburg, we will travel during the first two weeks of October. (Can you feel my heart beating??) That's in two to three weeks.

We talked at length about the challenges we would face with Yekaterinburg. While I don't know all the details yet, there are approximately 24 additional documents I will need to compile between the first and second trips, including medical examinations from 5 specialists here at home, that must include notarized reports, licenses and certificates of specialty. Thankfully this precludes the 8-doctor visit in Russia. Our agency facilitators in Russia have talked to the judge to determine exactly what she is looking for in these additional document requirements and in what format they should be given. A small set of families have also traveled for their first trip at the end of May, and are returning to Ekat now to complete their adoptions. (This is 3 1/2 months, however, the August holiday was right in the middle.) The director said he estimates that the length of time between trips will be 2 to 3 months, which he considers a drawback because usually for his families in other regions it's a 3-5 week wait. (Huh?? Wow... I almost can't believe that.) Tomorrow I'm going to call the dossier coordinator to find out more about the document requirements. Another drawback is that we will be flying blind. But others have done this. There are reportedly many healthy children in Ekat. And the families that have already traveled have arranged for doctors from Moscow to fly out and examine the children.

Today has been tumultuous. We will be talking to the director tomorrow again. We're looking at our calendar, talking to the grandparents. Trying not to get excited.... but it's hard not to. Otherwise we may be waiting for a referral for another four to six months. I know there have been problems with others trying to adopt from the Ekat region. But if families with our agency are returning for their court dates this month, after having made their first trip at the end of May.... there is some hope, isn't there? They've made it through the paperwork hassles. Maybe we can too.

Am I being naive? Maybe so. I have never done this before... and I'm trusting our director, and trusting the stories of all those that have gone ahead of us. I'm thankful that the wait so far hasn't been painful, but it could be. I've got this carrot dangling in front of me now... I'm afraid to not go for it. I've tried to remain incredibly optimistic throughout this whole process, and having my two children and my husband has helped me immensely. I'm afraid that if we don't take this opportunity, then we will be indefinitely stalled. This is not necessarily true; we will still be #7, but we'll have no idea when we'll be #1.

We'll know more tomorrow. Please say a prayer for us that we can discern whether Ekat is the right move for us. Thanks.


Maggie said...

Sorry about the accreditation news. I was really hoping it would go smoothly for you.

Regarding Ekat -- just research, research, research. Good luck with your decision.

Deb said...

I'll be praying for you to make the right decision. And I think you are being careful by praying and talking to people. You'll make the right decision.

That would be very exciting to travel next month.

Laura said...

Hi Sandy!
You know the love of my life came from Ekat. So, I am a little partial to the region. I really hope things ease up there. That is really exciting that Frank is being so positive about the region. I hope they are right.
You will make the right decision.
Keep us posted!! If things go well for you, I may have to follow you.

Elle said...

I agree with Margaret. Really do your homework on Ekat. Join the yahoo group, ask at FRUA and Soul of Adoption. Make sure it is right for your family.

3 months in between is not that bad. It really does go by fast.

Melissa said...

I wish I knew the right words to say. ditto to what the others wrote.

Jennefer said...

Wow. This is big news. Big decision. It sounds so exciting! Let us know what you choose!

A Room to Grow said...

Bummer about the accrediation. It's "okay" for us but I hate to see you and other families have to wait who are paperwork ready. Not to mention the backlog this delay with undoubtably cause. Not sure why Ekat is a big deal if you can manage your way through the paperwork, and traveling blind isn't out of the norm. I don't know what I would do, but follow your instincts. "To Russia With Love" on my blogroll adopted a little girl from Ekat I believe.

Rhonda said...

Oh what a bummer on the reaccreditation. ICK. I agree with the others, as far as research. Although, I have a feeling that you've already done quite a bit! I hope that your referral will come quickly, and traveling blind isn't such a big deal. Our photos of the children were old and they really didn't look the same as the photos anyway.

Suz said...

Praying for you to know the right way for your family to go. For peace in that knowing!

Oh, I hope the accreditation woes don't just keep lingering!

Suz said...

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Suz said...

Sandy, very anxious to hear if you learned much more on Friday.

My first thought is to call some of those families who traveled in May and get their feelings about the region and the wait for the court date. Do they have court dates set already? JMO.

I hope to hear an update from you soon! I'd be getting excited too if I were you!

Rhyne & Jake said...

Praying that you'll hear some positive news from your agency and things start moving for you guys.