Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In Translation

My documents have arrived in Russia and should be in translation right now, and hopefully can be submitted to the MOE at the end of the week. But now the word is, the director at the MOE is going to be on vacation the last two weeks of November which pushes our travel date into December.

Now I'm starting to get annoyed. My cousin is getting married December 9th, and if we are told to travel on the 2nd, or the 9th, then in all likelihood we will miss the wedding. NO!! This wedding is important because my cousin is like a brother to me. I have such a small family, and I missed my other cousin's wedding because it was out of the country when I couldn't make it. If I put off our Ekat invitation, then how much longer will we have to wait? What should my priorities be here? (I'm guessing that they ought to be Russia, given how much freakin' effort I have put into this over the PAST YEAR.)

But I shouldn't forget that this date has been so elusive that I ought to plan on going to the wedding, and then plan on missing Christmas with my kids!

/end whining and sarcasm/


Deb said...

Timing just doesn't seem to work out for everything. I'll be praying you get your travel invite soon and that it works around everything going on next month.

Maggie said...

I hope the timing works out!

Anonymous said...

Scheduling and rescheduling is the story of my life. It is never convenient, but I guess that is just throwing one more sacrifice into the pot. It comes with the territory I suppose. I hope it works out the best way possible!