Saturday, December 02, 2006

Out. Of. Control.

I had to admit my grandmother to the hospital today. Since Monday I have been battling an infection in her leg, caused by no apparent reason. With visits to the doctor, antibiotics, hot and cold packs, meals in the recliner, and whipcracking tenacity I have been battling the swelling and redness in her lower left leg. With everything that's coming in the next week I wanted to squeeze in another visit to her own doctor today if possible, and he called saying he could see her this afternoon. One look at her leg and toes and he said "Hospital!" I know the leg looked bad, but after 5 days of treating her I thought it was starting to improve a bit, but certainly not to the degree that I would have liked. I did everything I could to heal her, but I guess I needed more help. She's now on intravenous antibiotics, getting respiratory treatments to help her breathing (which I was worried about too), and all kinds of tests to see what's going on with that leg. I hope that tomorrow finds her feeling much better. She was getting ornery today so I think she was feeling a bit better. But I worry.

We received a call from our agency director Thursday that we have been invited to Ekaterinburg for our first trip week after next. We scheduled our flights this morning and we leave in six days. When I found out Thursday I was happy, but stunned. I couldn't really respond because I was so consumed with trying to get my grandmother to feel better. And now I am torn because I don't want her to be sick when we go. We are traveling halfway around the world, and while not out of touch I will be out. of. control. Our families have offered to help us with the care of the kids, and with my grandmother, but is it too much for us to ask? I don't know.

There is a little girl in Ekaterinburg waiting for us to come and see her. She is 18-20 months old and she needs her parents to come and get her. But will I be forsaking the family I already have for the family that is yet to be?

So we are making all of our arrangements to go, but I have to say that my heart is distracted because I want my grandmother to be well, and I don't want to be an imposition to the rest of my family.

The story about Peter walking on water has been foremost in my mind lately. Late at night Jesus came walking out on the water to meet his disciples who were headed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As soon as they recognized him, Peter called out and told Jesus, "If it's you, tell me to come to you on the water." And Jesus said, "Come." So Peter, wanting so much to be like his teacher, climbed out and walked on the water toward Jesus. The wind and the waves were strong and frightened Peter so much that he began to sink, and he cried out "Lord, save me!" Jesus reached out and grabbed his hand and said "You of little faith, why did you doubt?"

I feel like Peter. I want to have faith that everything will work out fine, but the wind and the waves of reality hit me and I start to sink. Thank God He is there to pull me out of the water when I am sinking and my faith is weakened.


Anonymous said...

I hope your Grandma is feeling better soon. I'm sure the IV antibiotics will kick that infection into submission.

I don't know your family. But in mine, asking to care for your twins and your grandma while you were going to meet another child wouldn't be an imposition at all. We'd be scrambling to help out. I bet your family feels the same. I wish I lived nearby so I could help you out a bit.

Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for your Grandma.
How wonderful that you have travel dates. I will also be praying that you make the right decission. I agree with Margaret it is no imposition to your family to help out while you are gone. And the trip isn't very long.

Jennefer said...

Congrats on getting news to travel!! That is so exciting!. But it does sound like your Grandma's situation is so difficult. I know how much you would like to leave feeling that everything is O.K. at home. This whole adoption process is a leap of faith. Sometimes you need to walk through the hard stuff, and let go. Your scripture story was perfect. Ask God to help you up and look after your Grandma. She sounds like a special lady. Praying for you!

Lea said...

It will be very hard to leave your grandmother when she is sick. Families do want to help out and do what they can though. I'm sure they will jump at the chance to help you out, while you are trying to get your little girl home. God is faithful, trustworthy and capable of taking care of all of this for you. Trust Him and step out of the boat; He will provide for your needs and He will take care of everything. He has promised. I will pray for your grandmother's speedy recovery and peace for you.

Anonymous said...

six days? so you've made peace with missing the wedding? and you are leaving Grandma.

It sounds as if someone does not want you to go, and Someone Else does want you to go. Go take care of the orphans. Trust. Obey.

Lauren & Cupcake said...

Sorry that this has become a bittersweet moment but I am sure she wants you to go and embrace this special time in your live!

Laura said...

Oh Sandy!
I hope your Grandmother will be ok!
I'll keep her in my prayers.

I'm so happy you are traveling so soon to meet your new daughter!

Our friends just came back about 3 weeks ago from Ekat (finally!). Their new daughter is adorable.

Have a safe trip.


Melissa said...

what a hard decision, but you know that she would want you to go. My prayers are with you and your family now.

Denise :o) said...

I hope your grandma is feeling better soon. You must be in a very difficult position. I have faith that it will all work itself out.

Six days!!! Wow! Have a wonderful trip and enjoy every minute of it!!

Suz said...

Oh my goodness, I haven't been able to get on my blogs since Wednesday night and every time before when I checked your blog it was just "Cake top lemon pie!" Now I get on and read THIS!


Suz said...

Sandy, I'm praying so much for your Grandmother and that everything will just fall together.

You're tired and it's hard to have faith when you're so tired.