Friday, February 02, 2007

One Month Past

January is done.

Throughout January I have watched how grief has affected my son. For him, at age 5, it does not come in waves of sadness, but other emotions and effects. He's gone through rages, super-sensitivity, regressing to putting everything in his mouth, depression, and much anxiety. But everyday I see him getting a little happier too. And little more tolerant of his sister. A little more willing to do his schoolwork. A little wilder and carefree around the house. He's starting to cope, as we have really tried to keep things on an even keel for the past few weeks.

We started grief counseling a week and a half ago with the two kids. They seem to enjoy the time with their therapist because she lets them play for the whole hour while she asks them questions. I don't understand therapy. I guess it's a process. I am so goal-oriented that I expect that you should dump all your problems on the therapist, they tell you what you're doing wrong or what you're not doing, you change and everything's fixed. But I guess it's not like that.

Yesterday I spoke with another therapist whom we will be consulting with for C's anxiety issues. She said the main goal for younger patients is to work with the whole family to reduce stress in the child's life. Perhaps this will be a wake-up call for my parenting skills. (Most likely.) I think the past few weeks we have really been trying to reduce the stress around here by keeping a routine (or my sorry attempt at it), but there are some moments when my frustration rings out loud and clear. I'm looking forward to finding out how to improve! I'm learning how to parent without one of my co-parents now.

Routine. I've never really had one. I fear losing spontaneity, because it's fun! But I see my kids already complaining that they hate homework and they hate school. All this complaining in kindergarten! I can't believe it! But their teacher says that the work is getting harder. The kids say they would rather stay home and play with me. I'm flattered, but I think what really needs to happen is that I need to structure the days so that they have playtime, schooltime, etc. I also need to get them to bed on time and then get them up earlier in the morning. They are spoiled too. Sigh. Does anyone have any recommendations for routines for little ones in kindergarten?

I am getting started on the process of settling my grandmother's estate. It's very long and involved. A friend is helping me get some of the paperwork started and we went to the court last week to submit our petition for probate. It was just like submitting documents for Russia, except for one thing. There were cut-and-paste typos on a couple of the forms and the clerk simply used some whiteout and corrected with pen. What a happy moment! However, we still missed a checkbox so we have to go back today and file an amendment. What a hassle.

I went surfing this week! I only went out for half an hour, but it was long enough. I haven't been out since last May. Boy am I out of shape. I could hardly stand up on the board. But I was so thrilled that I finally made the effort.

In summary, things are calming down. C's anxiety is a little less pronounced. We are finding help for him. The probate process has begun. And I am slowly slipping in a little time for me. Now for a good weekend!

Secret blog pal, thank you for the book you sent. I do appreciate it!


ipodmomma said...

glad to hear things are beginning to settle... it might seem slow at times, but every day brings some new blessing...

much love to you all...

Maggie said...

Baby steps of progress. That's good. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you're reviewing your parenting and schedule and trying to find ways things could change to help your kids. From reading your blog I am absolutely certain you're an amazing mom. But this just reaffirmed what I already knew. You're pretty great, you know? Your grandmother must have been so incredibly proud of you.

6blessings said...

Glad to see that things are looking up. You are doing so much to help your kids. You're a terrific mom. I hope all of the estate settling goes easily. Keep us updated.

Rhonda said...

I am so sorry about your grandmother. Glad to hear that things are starting to look brighter again. Hugs from Alaska :)

Jennefer said...

I understand about knowing that your kids need routine but struggling to keep it. I think the getting to kids to bed on time is really a big thing. It is so hard because time just flies, but I am working on it. It sounds like you are doing great. And good job on the surfing thing. It sounds like me when I went outside and did back flips on the trampoline. Wow my back hurt.

Anonymous said...

Back flips, surfing...ladies you are all way too physical for me! Great to hear you are back on the mend. Routine and time will heal never forget, but it does get easier.....

Deb said...

So very glad to hear that things are slowly coming together. You're doing a great job finding them both the help they need and it is very important to find time for yourself as well.

Esther said...

You are doing really well considering all you've been thru. I've been following your blog since the week you returned from Russia.

We have been thru quite a rough patch as well on the adoption road. I'm going to add some links to my blog soon regarding issues you & I have both brought up regarding this journey. Maybe they will be ones you've already found.

God bless you

Melissa said...

I hope things are going better for you and your family