Friday, October 26, 2007

Loves and labors of the week

Blogger is not cooperating and letting me upload pictures.

Nothing mind-boggling or heavy to say... but this was a good week.

I went surfing on Tuesday. I haven't been since June, however I have been swimming throughout the summer and the fall to try to keep my arms in shape. And it worked, I was only sore for one day instead of three. I went out at 38th in Capitola for just an hour before I had to pick the kids up from school. The swell was not insignificant, and thanks to the encouragement of a fellow waterman I caught the ride of the day. Prior to this point I had caught a couple waves, but the wave size was starting to intimidate me. I had just paddled hard and missed one, and then I turned around to see a nice BIG wave forming close behind me. I sighed because I was pretty sure I was going to get trounced, but then I heard "Paddle hard, you're perfect!" So I a gave a couple good strokes, popped up and rode the left. I'm still loving it. I want to go out again.

While the weather in Southern California has been HELL, it has been downright pleasant here. The first half of the week was unseasonably warm and pleasant. Wednesday I took the kids to the beach after school and we had a wonderful time. I was trying to add some of those pictures but blogger is done for the day.

The fog came in with a vengeance last night. We had wet decks and roads this morning. The regular October temperatures have returned. And hopefully Southern California is getting a break.

I started C's Halloween costume yesterday and am pretty much done. He wanted to be a pirate... and proud mommy that I am, I couldn't just buy him some cheapo flimsy pirate costume from the drugstore. No.... I would MAKE it. Ha. The last time I made him a costume he was three and he wanted to be a dinosaur. It involved spending lots of money, and then, when my sewing machine couldn't make it through the thick pile, a trip for the whole family up to my in-laws so I could use Kev's mom's Cadillac of machines, the Bernina. The last couple of years C has been using the Gymboree fireman costume. This year, I have my own Bernina... set up on its own table upstairs in the attic. My OWN space. And making this costume was FUN. I have to brag now.... I used to sew clothes (you learn stuff like that when you're a bored only-girl-child living with grandparents), and then I made a LOT of bridesmaid dresses.... so, with no pattern, I made C a pretty cool pirate shirt (collar, cuffs, puffy sleeves), red velvet sash, and pants. Good girl, Sandy. K was easy this year... she's going to be a butterfly... bought her tights and a leotard to go with her wings and antennae. If blogger ever snaps out of it's funk I'll post some pics.

I have turned into a baseball fan. We have watched the first two games of the World Series, and I am actually interested in this game that one year ago bored me so badly I could eat lint. I have C to thank for this. When he started playing T-Ball earlier this spring, I actually learned some things about baseball and how it's played, things I never learned in all the years I played softball... go figure. And Kevin has been teaching us the nuances of the game, which I now find fascinating. We are hoping the Rockies take the Series, but the first two games have been disappointing. But maybe they will come around tomorrow night on their home turf. Their fielding is a wonder to watch. Their pitching sets my teeth on edge. The other wonder of the game is how C will sit and watch it intently for great lengths of time. He follows every play. He's rooting for the Red Sox. (Actually, I hope they win, just for his sake.) He certainly is a chip off the ol' block... and Irish to boot.

Got a lead on some of my grandmother's probate stuff today. That was helpful, as I've been waiting for this call-back for a couple of weeks now. Of course, as soon as I realize how important the phone call is that is taking place, both kids are tugging at me for candy corn, following me around the house, bouncing on me, give me candy corn... what about the candy corn you said we could have... when do we get the candy corn... OH PLEASE!! I'm laughing about it now, but it wasn't so funny when I was on the phone and kept having to say "Excuse me, just a minute..." and "I'm very sorry. Could you repeat that?"

And I don't understand candy corn. It's awful!

To cap off the loves and labors of the week, I have just started a book by Rob Bell called "Velvet Elvis". I've only finished the first chapter but I really like the book. At church I've seen a few of his NOOMA films and I've really liked them, but had no idea who this person was... until I was astute enough to write down the website the last time I saw one of the films. I'm finding the book very thoughtful, and thought provoking. I hope that Kevin will read it.


ipm said...

oh, I too am hoping the Rockies can pull it out!!!

I like candy corn. one piece at a time, nibbled from the small end to the bottom... :)))

SO GLAD you got out for a surfing moment! hee hee hee.... it has been so nice here!

sounds like a nice week... yeah!

6blessings said...

I've never surfed before, but it sounds like so much fun!

I agree with ipm above about the candy corn. You have to eat it one color stripe at a time. :-)

Deb said...

I hope you get the pictures posted. They sounds great. I'm very impressed that you made K's. Sounds like a lot of work.

My brother read that book and he tells me about it almost everytime we talk because he liked it so much. Maybe I'll have to read it.

junglemama said...

'Velvet Elvis', let me know hwo you like it.

You are to brave to catch some waves. :)

Lucien W. Dupont said...


I love Rob Bell, he's very insightful.. Jennifer and I are going to see him this weekend, he is on a national speaking tour..

Also do a search for Mars Hill in the podcast directory in iTunes, you'll find the Mars Hill sermon podcast, which is from his home church.

Lucien W. Dupont said...

PS: Looks like he is going to be in SF on November 12th.