Monday, December 17, 2007


The past week and a half Kevin and I have been weaning ourselves off the hard stuff. Only two cups of joe in the morning. We figured that the kids aren't getting us up at night any more, and I'd just been for my first mammo where I learned that caffeine can make a woman uncomfortably tender. Why suffer?

I'm such a pansy... I can't do it. I'm feeling good in the AM, but by afternoon I'm miserable like all get out... Then I cheat.... a cup of tea (or three), a Cafe Americano at Starbucks, an espresso... it's worse than before! Now I'm up all night. Flippity-flop flippity-flop in bed.

It has helped me get my address book up-to-date and Christmas cards/letters done.

Kevin (and his tempting Netflix) now has me hooked on the show Heroes, too. It's a nice substitute since Battlestar Gallactica will not be out on DVD until next SPRING! Arrrrhhh. So, this weekend I keep begging Kevin to watch just one more episode... until he falls asleep and then I can't decide if satisfying my craving for 'just-one-more' is worth having to watch it again because he slept through the whole thing.


I've think those two cups of joe in the morning are a necessary daily regulatory measure that must be taken, with my vitamins. So when Kev called yesterday afternoon from Peets to see if I wanted a cup of coffee, I told him Yes! along with a two-pound bag of French Roast. Pleeeeze.

This morning I'm back to 50/50.... and I'm feelin' good.

(And the Christmas cards have been ordered.)


sandy said...

Oh man... just when I was feeling pretty good about my Peets! =)

I'll add that one to my go-to-bed non-fiction stack that helps me get to sleep at night. Thanks! =)

Deb said...

I learned that same fact (tenderness) recently.

Breaking the habit is hard. I normally have one soda in the morning and one in the afternoon.
I get really bad headaches from the withdrawal and I don't want to become an addict on aspirin so I figure caffeine is better for me. Now.... reading the comment I'm not sure.

ipm said...

I know that tea isn't much less. and I drink a lot of it...

but about 5-7 years ago I gave it up, for like 2 years. and I didn't miss it, even living in the UK...

thanks goodness I'm not a coffee fan... or I'd REALLY have a problem... :)))

btw... having a cuppa as I type! hee hee hee...

A Room to Grow said...

my doctor just suggested that i should have my first mammo too. ugh! definitely not looking forward to it, and i guess this means i should go light on the soda the next few weeks!

junglemama said...

Coffe runs through my veins. I have a cup in front of me now. :)

I noticed that we are both in Ca. Howdy neighbor.

Esther said...

I'm decaf all the way baby ;o)

Anonymous said...


Hey thanks for the Christmas card and update letter!
I tried to email you last week but the addy I have for you is no longer valid. Shoot me a reply to this at and I'll re-send. Cheers and Happy New Year!
