Thursday, January 03, 2008

Our Happy Holidays

A short photo summary of our holidays...
Our Christmas card photo. This is our Christmas tree and our two angels.

Delivery of a very special Christmas present for me!

Here it is!

A Christmas Eve tradition with all the cousins.

These little animals (and the computer time that goes with them) are the biggest hit of the holiday.

Enjoying my Christmas present. I'm just beginning, but I've been working on Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata since Christmas day to surprise my piano teacher next week.

One of the geocache travel bugs that Daddy gave to the kids for Christmas. This bug has been tasked with traveling to Zion National Park, Hemet and then returning to Felton.

Park day on the new scooters before the rain starts.

A beautiful New Year's Eve on the coast of Santa Cruz.


ipm said...

lovely! looking forward to hearing you play!

and that hat on the surfer? excellent dude...

sandy said...

That statue is timeless. I love it.