Monday, January 07, 2008

Four days later...

We had our power restored tonight after losing it Friday morning. We now have running water again.

There's a lot of tree debris that needs to be cleaned up.

And I have a nasty sinus infection.

I can't begin to express how nice it is to have drinking water, to be able to wash my hands, flush a toilet, and to turn on a light that will illuminate an entire room. I am thankful for all these things. (I am also thankful for antibiotics.)


ipm said...

oh wow... I had no idea!!!

glad you are electric again but so sorry about that infection!

much love your way...

6blessings said...

What is up with all of this weather around the US? I'm glad you have power restored. That is so difficult!

A Room to Grow said...

Wow, can't believe you went that long without electricity. We just had ALOT of rain, and a few flickering lights.

Deb said...

We once were without power for a week in Guatemala. It's a bit easier done there but you learn to appreciate the small stuff very fast.

Glad it's back on. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Maggie said...

Hope you're feeling better!