Friday, January 04, 2008

This is our weather...

These are some images from my favorite weather website, Intellicast. We're now at 4.5 inches of rain fallen during the night, and the wind is mightily shaking the trees. Kev just came in from checking the ditches and saw a redwood top snap off and sail to the ground. He's not going out again, and thankfully all our ditches are unplugged! Now is the time to see how the year's tree trimming around the house pays off.

The yellow is the coldest, meanest part of this storm.

We're in the yellow here too.

1 comment:

ipm said...

it has been raining here all day, quite hard for a good chunk but we still have power and for that I am very happy!

Chico has 45K outages... oy!

feels very English... so I've been drinking tea all day... glad you all are safe and together...