Monday, February 04, 2008

Another productive Monday

Today was a lot of desk work and phone calls. Paying bills, pouring through our tax materials, probate details, adoption-related calls. I've been worried about finding a psychiatrist who would write us an evaluation letter. I had left messages for 4 different psychiatrists in the area, and had heard back from two that their practices were full and they couldn't take on any new patients. It was discouraging as I remembered getting the same response a little over a year ago when I was doing the same for our Yekaterinburg paperwork. It was starting to seem like there was little hope of finding someone. And then I remembered that I should leave it to God. If He thinks we're doing the right thing then He'll help us to do this; He will provide a psychiatrist. Not a novel thought, I suppose, but in my focused little brain it was a breakthrough. I left one more message and went to pick up the kids from school. After we got home, the phone rang and it was the last psych I had called, and he was willing to help. He had done this before, and despite the fact that his answering machine said his practice was full, and that he was retiring this coming summer, he was kind enough to offer to help. Thank you! Kevin and I have an appointment to see him on Valentine's Day. Kevin says "Isn't it ironic that the two of us have to go see a psychiatrist on Valentine's Day in order to have a baby?" I don't really see how that's ironic... but my mind is in the details right now.

Speaking of mind in the details, I am so glad that I am almost done with all this paperwork. Worrying about all the little things has been making me really nit-picky, and poor Kevin is suffering terribly. We'll all be a happier, more relaxed family when I wrap this stuff up. Dossier done, probate done, taxes done... then I'll be a happier camper. I'll be able to think more about the reasons why I'm doing all this paperwork.

Other tidbits:

All of the people that I have had to contact regarding the adoption paperwork this time around have been so nice and helpful. I have been really blessed this time around.

I'm incredibly happy for Tricia, Michael and Rita. Rita is the same age as K and C, so I'm especially thrilled. Tricia and I are also using the same placement agency. I can't wait to read more about their trip.

My piano teacher gave me a new piece to work on. What do you call it, a piece? Not a song. A composition? A concerto? A what? I've been practicing Bach's Prelude (...more to the title that I can't remember) and it's fairly easy reading, but a total finger workout. It's a beautiful ... piece.

This week K said "I LOVE to write." My jaw just dropped! At the beginning of the school year it was, "I HATE writing! I don't know what to write!" I am so happy that it is getting easier for her!


Maggie said...

Sounds like you're making good progress with the paperwork. A little at a time is all you can do!

ipm said...

I love Kevin's statement!!!

sounds like things are really coming together. you will be able to relax soon...

and Gayle's! got to get to Gayle's...

Deb said...

Great that the paperwork is going easier for you this time around.
I understand the need to get it all done and then relax. Having unfinished paperwork is just no fun.

A Room to Grow said...

I don't think you have mentioned what gender / age you are requesting? We have had a fantastic experience in our region...