Saturday, October 10, 2009

Headlines - M turns 2, Life races on

Greetings! This is a quick post without much effort because I've been wanting to blog for weeks but haven't had the time to put more than two sentences together (aka Facebook). Things are going well, but not without the rollercoaster drama that seems to encompass us all. I hope to elaborate later. In the meantime, if you don't use Bloglines or Google Reader to follow your blogs (and mine), please check it out... then you can keep up with me without checking in everyday and eventually giving up on me for a dead blog.

In summary, M has been doing so well with her ABA sessions. She's paying attention, following directions, interacting, playing with toys, and becoming affectionate. I've also had her on the GFCFSF (gluten free, casein free, soy free) diet for 6 months and I believe this has helped some too. We just had some additional biomedical testing done and found that she does have food sensitivities... beans, for example. So for the last week I stopped feeding her egg whites, beans (even green beans), and peanuts. And I think she's been doing even better. I know I don't feel like doing anything when my tummy hurts... I wonder if this may be something. Even with a a cruddy-nosed cold this week it seems like she's doing better.

Given that, the doctor (a DAN doctor... DAN for Defeat Autism Now) told me I should put her on a rotation diet. Huh? There aren't enough types of milk even! I'm seeing a pediatric gastroenterologist Monday to see what she says about M's test results and if this rotation diet is necessary. The gastro has a nutritionist on staff that might be able to help me more than the DAN doctor (he said, "It's easy.. grind your almonds at night and soak in water overnight.").

M had her two year checkup... she's 90th %ile in height and 75th %ile in weight. Not bad for coming from an orphanage a year ago. Her gross motor skills seem right on track. Fine motor a tiny bit behind. Social/developmental skills about a year behind, in my estimation. I don't know if this is normal for a child adopted from an orphanage at 11 months. No one I have consulted with has had any experience with institutionalized children. My expectations were always that she'd be caught up by now, but it hasn't happened. I have to keep in mind that she's making forward progress and focus on that. I have more hope now than I had 6 months ago.

Now for a few pictures...

The birthday girl! M turned 2 last week.

M and her sister and brother. Cute as a button!

Fun in the tub.

C and his barfkin for the Cub Scout pumpkin carving contest.

C cutting metal reinforcements for the post holes of the tree house Dad is building.


Rachael said...

Yes, Bloglines does come in handy that way. :)

Happy, Happy Birthday to M!

So nice to hear that she's progressing.

And big kudos to you for your stellar efforts. The diet thing does NOT sound easy, no matter what that doctor says!

A Room to Grow said...

Great to hear that things are moving forward!

I would have a hard time with the diet thing...So much to learn and so much to do but I think those things will be helpful for her.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Go, M! BTW, I've been told not to look for significant "catch up" until the child's been OUT of the institution as long as she was IN. For what it's worth...


Anna Scott Graham said...

Great pics! M is such a happy girl. I think it's the great family she has...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!